1781 January 1 (Monday). As we, with my Son Breck and his, Mr. Brigham etc. joined together last Evening in singing at the Conclusion of the last Year, So this Morning having so abundant Cause, we Sang Praise to the Great almighty Creator and Preserver: and I hope my Heart is Sincerely moved with Gratitude to the Universal Benefactor: begging earnestly the Pardon of all my past offences, that I may bring no old Guilt into the New Year; and I desire humbly to committ and resign all the Concernments of the Occurrences of the Year Ensuing to the Supreme, all-wise, most Mercifull Ruler of the World and our Covenant God in Jesus Christ. And may I, and all Mine be prepared for all the Events before us! That it may go well with us for Time and Eternity! Towards Night I visited Miss Susanna Fay (Ensign’s Daughter) who is sick of a Fever, and (by Desire) prayed. Received a Letter from my son Ebenezer dated December 18 at Fish Kill. Master [Fish?] here this Eve.