February 15, 1780

1780 February 15 (Tuesday).  Walked to Mr. Nurse’s on various small Affairs.  The air is exceeding thick.  P.M. it rains, the snow wastes.  I finish Lord Chesterfield’s first volume.  Many admirable Excellencys in these Letters, and they evidence him a Man of great Understanding, extensive Reading and accurate Taste, and yet too extremely indulgent to his Son’s Pleasures — throws him into dangers that it must be a Miracle if he escapes.  And what affectionate wise, pious Parent could find in his Heart to take such pains to breed him to be a Man of this World, to the so shameful neglect and Inattention to another!  notwithstanding all the Care of his Religion devolved upon his Preceptor; who he ought at least to have seconded.  At eve a Storm of Wind and Rain which beat vehemently, yet unexpectedly Elias came home from Cambridge, brought Rum for Breck and a valuable, though old fashioned chamber Table, with large slate in the Middle, for himselfe.  He got through the Storm with great Difficulty.