1779 April 7 (Wednesday). The Council met, and the Brethren assembled. After prayer, conferred. Something was prepared for the Brethren, by way of mutual Concession and acknowledgement of past offences, especially the Wally Brethren in setting up that church and some of the members disturbing other churches and Mutual forgiveness. From such Material, drawn up, one of the Council compiled Result: At Mr. Benj. Baily’s, to whose son I find Sally Crosby is married and lives there. P.M. The Result was finished and read, was voted by the Council, then Read to and it was voted by the Brethren to accept of and conform to it, except Col. Silas Bailey, who was unavoidably obliged to withdraw: and Mr. Eph. Fairbank, who wanted some Liberty about communicating with Mr. Walley’s Church, if he was there accidentally, but nothing could be granted to him of that kind, upon which he chose to wave joining with them for the present. A Covenant was read to them in which they term themselves Congregational (not Independents) to which they consented and signed it. And if the other Brethren should within a few days incline to come and consent, and sign as they had done, it should be accepted as if it had been done today. This very solemn Transaction performed, they were by the Moderator openly announced and declared to be a Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Name of the South Church of Christ in Bolton, who were then presented to God in an address of Gratulation and Supplication by the Moderator. In the Council the Votes were unanimous, in the Church, next to; For which may all Glory be given to the most High! The Church chose Mr. Whitney to be their Moderator pro temp. I returned with Mr. Whitney so far as to his House and lodged there again.