1779 April 6 (Tuesday). Mr. Whitney and I rode to Mr. Benj. Baily’s in Bolton, where the Pastors and Churches of Westborough, the first in Shrewsbury, Northborough and Stow met. The East Church in Sudbury did not come. It was appointed a day of Prayer, Humiliation and Fasting. We assembled at Mr. Samuel Jones’ House. Mr. Newel prayed. Mr. Sumner preached a seasonable sermon on Ps. 122.8. I prayed after the Sermon. We sung twice, but had only one Exercise. After refreshing, formed into a Council. I was Moderator and Mr. Whitney Scribe. The Candidates for Communion met us at Mr. Bailey’s and expressed their desires to be formed into a church state. The members of divers Churches presented their Dismissions. We made the needful Enquirys into their agreement and mutual Satisfaction with one another. And though they had in times past been in unhappy Disquietments, yet condescended and were united, thro’ the great Goodness of God and preparations were made for accomplishing the Solemn Work. I lodged there.