November 2, 1776

1776 November 2 (Saturday).  Sent James Hicks with an Horse to meet him.  He arrived about noon.  P.M. Sophy came from Lancaster.  The Death of Rev. Emmerson of Concord, at Otter Creek, confirmed and very much lamented.  Help Lord the Godly man ceaseth!  Master Timothy Harrington was So respectful as to accompany her; and went back.  Master Stone of Shrewsbury and Crosby, from College, here also.

November 3, 1776

1776 November 3 (Sunday).  Preached again on 1 Sam. 4, now on v. 22, a. and p.m.  Grafton again destitute: many of the people here.  I could not but Pity their Case; and proposed to the Church and Congregation that I would (if it might be with their Concurrence and Consent) go next Lords Day, God willing, and preach there.  No Objection was made.  A Letter from my son Baldwin at Ticonderoga, dated Oct. 13.

November 7, 1776

1776 November 7 (Thursday).  James Hicks goes to CambridgeBilly Bradford returns to LeicesterElias goes with my Team to Mr. Jonathan Childs and brings 4 Barrells of Cyder.  3 from him at 7/ per Barrell.  One from Mr. Thomas Whitney is given.  Mr. Grosvenor, his Wife and sister called here, as they return to Grafton.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Forbes junior brought me a Letter from his uncle at Gloucester, giving Me Account of his Marriage; and of 10 French Gentlemen with their servants there.

November 8, 1776

1776 November 8 (Friday).  Early in the Morning Elias left us to go to Cambridge, but he goes by the way of Concord.  Gave him two Dollars.  This Day 52 years agoe, the Church in Westborough was gathered and I was (though unworthy) ordained a Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of this Flock.  I admire and adore the Condescending Goodness of God in it; in preserving My Life, Reason, Health, and continuing me in this Office; and desire deeply to humble my self for my many Deficiencies and Miscarriages; implore Remission through the Blood of the great Atonement, and beg ardently the supplys of the Spirit of God and that I may be quickened, assisted and strengthened by almighty Grace; be made faithful and Successfull, till I Shall be received, with those committed to me, to Gods heavenly and eternal Kingdom!

November 10, 1776

1776 November 10 (Sunday).  I preached at Grafton on Judg. II.10.11.12 a. and p.m.  My own People were destitute.  May the Lord teach us to profit!  The Lord remember His servant Grosvenor under his Affliction, and open his Mouth again, a Door of Utterance to preach the Word of God and that his Tongue may Shew forth His high Praises!  At Eve visited the widow Prentice and Mr. Grosvenor with me.  I lodged again there at Mr. G.’s.

November 11, 1776

1776 November 11 (Monday).  In returning home I called at Mr. Grouts to see his son.  At his request I prayed with him.  I also visited at Capt. Jonathan Fays.  I went likewise to see old Mrs. Whitney and prayed with her.  When I got home received a Letter from Elias who Seems to desire to go to the Hospital to be inoculated.  I wrote an Answer permitting him — but know not how to send it.  N.B. Caleb Blood, a young Baptist preacher came in — and dined here.  At Eve came Jesse Cutter from Brookfield: tells me my Daughter Baldwin is very poorly.  She has Sent me a Number of her Husbands Journals.

November 13, 1776

1776 November 13 (Wednesday).  Mr. Waters undertakes, at my request, to preach the Lecture, in my Stead, at Grafton; and leaves us.  At Eve came my Daughter Sally Parkman and with her came Cutter and my grand-daughter Betsey Baldwin and they lodge here.  N.B. Deacon Wood here at Eve, and Speaks of a Number of young Gentlemen from Boston who come up here for the Sake of hunting — Squirrells etc.  Mrs. Wight and two Daughters of Rev. Stephen White of Windham dined here.  Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Davis here p.m.

November 14, 1776

1776 November 14 (Thursday).  Cutter and Betsey left us.  N.B. I returned Col. Baldwins Journals by them.  Mr. Bradshaw returning home from Boston, calls here.  Informs me that our Kinsman Mr. Thomas Bailey has had a Vendue to sell my Brother Williams Goods etc.  I walked to Mr. Ebenezer and Samuel Forbushs.  N.B. I have received a Letter from Mrs. Eunice Cook of Douglass requesting a Contribution from this Town.  P.M. The infamous Thomas Cook came boldly to See me.  I gave him what Admonition, Caution and Charge I could.  My Wife very much indisposed from Day to Day.  Sick at her stomach — sometimes Vomits — took Physic.

November 17, 1776

1776 November 17 (Sunday).  I preached a. and p.m. on Deut. 10.12.13.  A Number of Upton people here, Mr. Fish being gone to preach at Medway 2d Parish, the Minister whereof is a Chaplain in the Army.  Miss Abigail Fish here after Meeting.  N.B. Master Hall was at Dinner here.  N.B. Breck was published.  Dr. Hawes came in to See Mrs. Parkman, who is very Stomach sick.  She takes a Vomit, which worked 3 times.

November 23, 1776

1776 November 23 (Saturday).  Early this Morn Mr. Jos. Keens (who is returned from the Army) Summons Mrs. Parkman and Mrs. Spring, to go to his Wife’s Labour.  They went a litte before 4 o’Clock; about 5 her Child, a Daughter, was born, and in the morning Still, they came home with Gladness.  Mr. Artemas Howe and his Wife (my Grand Daughter Elizabeth) called here and dined with us, in their way home, at Dudley.

November 26, 1776

1776 November 26 (Tuesday).  The Account of Fort Washington is confirmed.  Thus, again God Sees meet to frown upon us.  May we be prepared for what He will do next!  N.B. a Message from Mr. Fitch to preach his Lecture on the 28th.  P.M. I was much indisposed.  Was much pained at my Stomach — loaded and Oppressed.  My Bowells were affected.  At Eve I was ill, but it worked off.  Read Bishop Moore’s Sermons.

November 28, 1776

1776 November 28 (Thursday).  Town Meeting to see whether the Town consents to the General Courts forming a Body of Laws for this State: Whether the Town will send another Representative along with Capt. Maynard and To draw out every fourth Man of the Militia to go into the Army at New York.  N.B. Breck is one.  I went to Hopkinton Lecture.  I preached on Rev. 14.6.7, which may a divine Influence accompany, to my own soul and the Auditors!  I returned at Evening.  Capt. Morse gives me but a dark Account of the State of our Army New Yorkward.  May God help us, under our discouraging prospects!