May 30, 1776

1776 May 30 (Thursday).  Attended the Convention.  Mr. Cook of Menotamy preached on [blank].  A Collection was made for Ministers Widows.  Adjourned to the School House.  I prayed at the Conclusion.  Dined at Mr. Thomas Russells, Taylor, at Watertown.  P.M. Messrs. Moore and Cushing rode with me to Boston.  This is the first time of my going to this miserable place Since last Election time.  [We went to Fort-Hill, Beacon Hill etc.  Was at Mrs. Surcombs.]  Visit divers others; my Friends and Relatives — as Coarser, Oliver etc.  Lodged at my Kinswoman Bradfords.  We put up our Horses at the Sign of the Yankee Hen.  Lodged (and Mr. Moore with me) at Cousen Bradfords; She and Several Children being returned to Town.


[Marginal notation:  N.B. What is within Crotchets[?] was (I believe) on the next Morning.]