May 3, 1776

1776 May 3 (Friday).  A.M. At the Funeral of little Elijah McCullock 3 1/2 years old: and prayed.  N.B. Deacon Wood was Seized Suddenly with very violent Pain, in his Brea[st?] Side; but it went over.  P.M. I rode to Grafton to the Funeral of the late Mr. Nathaniel Whitney (Son of our late Mr. Nathaniel Whitney).  He was taken ill last Saturday afternoon with Aguishness, upon which followed a Fever, and expired on Wednesday p.m.  AEtatis [blank].  Mr. Grosvenor was there but could not speak louder than Whisper, so that I prayed.  I called to See young Joseph Grout, who is better: as I did likewise to discourse with, Capt. Benjamin Fay, upon the Gloucester Affair.  At Evening found my Daughter in Law Lydia, who has brought me from her Husband £7.9.6 Lawful Money or £41.1.3 old Tenor upon one of the Notes which he gave me.  Also here is come James Hicks and his Brother William and lodge here.  Jeremy with a View to living with me.