1776 February 15 (Thursday). Dr. Hawes acquaints me with the very distressed Condition of Mr. Edmund Antwistles Family. I went to See ‘em, and found his Wife and two Children and a Girl (whose name was Grover) Sick — but especially their sister Submitt Harrington, was exceeding bad. All of them of the Canker. Prayed and discoursed with them as they could bear. N.B. Mr. Benjamin Hicks dined here. Mr. Gale came and delivered me a Brief for a Contribution for his son in Law, Mr. Nichol of Munson, whose House, goods, etc. were burnt last December. N.B. [by?] Moses Brigham I sent to Mr. Cushing Ortons sermon. [At evening?] marryed Mr. Reuben Maynard and Molly Garfield. Two Soldiers came and lodge. They are of Lebanon Crank. One was Mr. Pomroy, the other Basto.