1774 October 22 (Saturday). In the Morning we found the west Window of the lower West room set up, wide open: Brecks Desk open — the little front door open, with Signs of violence breaking it open; the little Lock is broke off: 3 front Drawers, drawn open, but nothing that We know of as yet, is missing; though the Cup-board where Stood my Silver Cup, and in it a Number of table spoons, Silver; also in another Cup a number of Tea Spoons, Silver; was wide open. It was doubtless a Thief, who wanted money, who entered the House: for no one of my Family knows any thing of the Matter, and the window was, no doubt fastened as usual; but a middle Square of Glass in the lower Sash was taken out, and laid away carefully; from the hole with ones Arm the Stick which fastens down the Window could be reached, and was taken away. God be praised no further Dammage was done: and May God grant Repentance to the Burglar! My Son John came last night from Oxford, but intends to go to Lancaster again.