February 2, 1774

1774 February 2 (Wednesday).  It being a good Season for sleighing My Son John and I rode to Mr. Stone’s, Southborough but Mr. Stone was unhappily gone to Marlborough.  We Dined with Mrs. Stone, as did Mr. Newell, a Candidate.  I wrote and Sent a Letter to Mr. John Tyler School Master at Marlborough, that his Watch which he had lost, is found, and in my possession.  Returning at Eve called to See old Mr. Abraham Gale at his Son Abijah’s.  When I got home found here my Son Alexander and his Wife, with both their Children, Robert-Breck and Alexander, in a double Sleigh.  Also Mr. [David?] Clark from Ashburnham to See his Son Benjamin — and he lodges here.

February 3, 1774

1774 February 3 (Thursday).  Mr. Clarke left us. I perceive that Mr. Edward Barnard of Haverhil is dead.  Help Lord! My Son Alexander having a good sleigh and two Horses waited on his Mother and me (it being stormy, Snowing fast, and too bad for his wife and Children to go home) to Mr. Eleazar Pratts, to the Funeral of a Child of his Daughter Mrs. Susanna Adams.  Mr. Francis Whipple brought home my watch from Boston (the Chain having been broke), and Breck had sent it to Mr. J. Rowlstone at Boston to mend it.

February 4, 1774

1774 February 4 (Friday).  Alex, his wife and Children sat out for home.  Mr. Hancock, the Taylor, [is making?] Coats, turning a [block?] here for Breck and [Clark?], works here from Day to Day.  Mr. Newell, a Candidate, dined here.  Mrs. Kelly is taken into a Sleigh by her Daughter Beeton, and carryed to see her son John, who continues very low.


February 8, 1774

1774 February 8 (Tuesday).  This Day I remember the Wormwood and the Gall, when it pleased God to take away the Desire of my Eyes, by the Stroke of Death.  Thirty Eight years have rolled off Since; my soul is still humbled within me. And have need to be much humbled this Day when I reflect upon the little improvement of the divine Patience and Longsuffering whilst I have abundant Cause to bless His glorious Name that He has spared me through so long a Course, with so many Advantages and Benefits.  May a gracious God pity, pardon and be gracious to me and quicken me to a due improvement of the Short, uncertain Remainder of my Pilgrimage, and that I may be ready when He shall see meet to Summon me also!

February 10, 1774

1774 February 10 (Thursday).  Bright, but so windy as to blow up Roads.  Neighbour Joseph Bond with Team of five Cattle trys, with my Team also, to fetch wood from Brigham Lot.  My Son John goes to chop, and young Nathan Maynard with him; but it was so tedious they broke off about noon; with Difficulty got two Jaggs part of the way; but they brought but one home though they joined all the Cattle to make one Team.  Mr. Moore came from Oxford.

February 11, 1774

1774 February 11 (Friday).  Though it is So very bad Stirring by reason of the deep snow, yet I rode to Mr. Parkers, whose wife is still living, but in a low Condition.  Discoursed with her, found she had comfortable Hope through Grace, yet not clear.  Prayed with her and the Family under their great Affliction. Called at Mr. Solomon Bathericks — talked closely with them — instructed them and expected them to Repent etc.

February 13, 1774

1774 February 13 (Sunday).  Mr. Moore preached for me, a.m. on 1 Pet. 3.18, p.m. on Prov. 13.4.  A very difficult Season, nor could we well get to Meeting without Help.  Lt. Bakers young man came with a Sleigh, and transported us through the deep Snow — and it Snows Still, all Day.  A very thin Assembly: but may the Blessing of God So accompany the Exercises that we may not repent of our Pains who did assemble!  And may God be very gracious to His Servant, and make him yet a great and rich Blessing!

February 15, 1774

1774 February 15 (Tuesday).  Lt. Baker had proposed to go with other Neighbours to get wood to Day, but by Tryal they found it impracticable.  Sophy not well. Mr. Moore undertakes his Journey to Boston, designing to go home that way.  Mr. Thomas Arnold and his Wife and Mr. Joseph Bond and his Wife here.  Three of them dined here.  At night came Mr. Caleb Wilder from Mendon on Racketts and lodged here.  N.B. Hannah remains still at Boston.

February 21, 1774

1774 February 21 (Monday).  A number of persons came and got wood for me at the Lot which is called Capt. Ephraim Brighams.  Eight went to Cutt, viz. Messrs. Nathan Townsend, Benjamin Fay junior, Arthur Cary (from Deacon Wood), Joseph Keenes (from Lieut. Baker), John Fay, Richard Temple, Timothy Parker, Abel Tenny, from Mrs. Spring.  And John Parkman joined them.  The following Neighbours sledded, viz. Lt. Baker with two Teams, 4 Oxen apiece.  Mr. Barnabas Newton with 4 Oxen. Capt. Benjamin Fays Team 4 Oxen, drove by his son Stephen.  Deacon Wood sent a yoke of Oxen to join with mine, and Mr. Jonathan Grout drove them. They all went Twice; and Mr. Moses Nurse also brought one Load.  In all Eleven Load. At night, the most of them Supped here. May God reward them and bountifully! And grant me Grace to improve the Benefit!

February 22, 1774

1774 February 22 (Tuesday).  They that went for wood yesterday, So broke the way, and made it fit to Sled in; and the Cutters cut So much more than was brought home; that therefore Lieut. Baker in his generousness sent his Team and Man again to Day, also to sled Wood for me; and Neighbour Newton in his Goodness likewise, sent his Team and Man to sled up, what was left and what another Number of Cutters cutt, viz. Mr. Keene, John Fay hired, Stephen Maynard hired, Nathaniel Chamberlin hired, and Phinehas Brigham (son of Widow Hitty).  To the Teams, add my own of 3 Cattle, and p.m. Dr. Hawes’ Steers instead of the Mare, and my son John drove.  Breck also procured Mr. Joseph Bond to come with his 5 Cattle.  They all went 3 times each — therefore brought 12 Load to day.  P.M. rode to Grafton. Mr. Thomas Twitchell’s Company to Mr. Merriams where I lodged.  N.B. Elias received of Mr. Taylor, Davidsons Virgil borrowed of young Mr. Frost of Mendon.

February 23, 1774

1774 February 23 (Wednesday).  Attended the Fast at Grafton, preparatory to Electing a Pastor.  Mr. Sumner prayed a.m.  Mr. Hall preached on Dan.9.  I prayed p.m. and preached on Col. 1.11.  Mr. Sumner also prayed after Sermon. The Church Stopped, and Chose Mr. Daniel Grosvenor.  I hope we have had some good Tokens of Success for which the Lord be Praised — but O that it might please Him to forgive the Iniquitys of our holy Things!  Rode to Westborough with Mr. Bowman of Oxford. N.B. John Fay has killed two Swine for me a.m. and cutt wood p.m.  One weighed [blank], the other [blank].  Mr. Bond, hired by Breck, sledded two Load of wood, and Jonathan Maynard with his Fathers Oxen and mine, two more.  4 to day.

February 24, 1774

1774 February 24 (Thursday).  Miss Suse Brigham lodged here last night; by her I Send a Letter I wrote to Mr. Cushing of Ashburnham to the Care of her Brother Elijah.  John Fay works for me from Day to Day in cutting wood in the Brigham Lott — day to Day.  And Elias a.m. sleds with our Team.  P.M. Breck p.m. goes to Lancaster; and we have added to my oxen (instead of Brecks mare), Dr. Hawes’s steers, and his young man to drive.  Mr. Joseph Bond sleds to Day likewise.  They brought home, in all, to day, Six Load.  N.B. This Day received a Letter, dated this very day, the 24th, from my Son Samuel informing us that last Saturday at 5 p.m. his Wife brought him a fine Son.  For which great Favour (Mother and Child being in a hopeful way) Thanks are returned to our most gracious God and Savior and may the parents have Grace to dedicate their offspring to the most high, and to bring him up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord!  And may His Handmaid Still obtain Mercy and Kindness from God to perfect her Recovery! John Fay and John P________  cutt out and Salted down the Pork killed yesterday.  Mr. Stephen Cook brings me from Dr. Coopers, his Dudlean Lecture.


February 25, 1774

1774 February 25 (Friday).  John Fay Still works for me.  Mrs. Barrett of Hopkinton and a near Neighbour of hers, Mrs. Hall, make us a visit, and brought me a Letter from Mr. Fitch praying that I would Visit old Mr. Charles Simpson, who is dangerously ill.  At Eve came Master Thomas Stone and Joshua Winter and both of them lodged here.  Sorrowful Accounts of the Breaking of many persons, Traders and others, at this time.  Especially Great Troubles have invaded my Neighbour Spring, who is now returned from an Excursion to Providence to trade off his Wares; but many Evils have lit upon him, which are too hard for him, as is feared.

February 27, 1774

1774 February 27 (Sunday).  Mr. Bowman has not come whom I hoped for.  I had made Some Preparation but it was not completed.  I preached a. and p.m. on Jude v. 21, first Clause, to p. 12, but with various Additions.  I was Somewhat fervent but beg of God I many not only Strive with Others to be but may my Self be and Continue a Lover of God and an Object of his Love.

February 28, 1774

1774 February 28 (Monday).  Visited and prayed with Mrs. Parker, who gives up Hope of temporal Life, but has, She trusts, good Hope, through Grace, of Life immortal.  When I returned home my Daughter Hannah was come.  Mr. Bowman and She came as far as Southborough on Saturday Evening but could get no further.  He preached for Mr. Stone.  P.M. Mr. Bowman made me a Visit (from Lt. Bakers) and Spent the Evening with us.