November 9, 1773

1773 November 9 (Tuesday).  My Children have among them the Life of Patty Saunders: I thought it needful to know what they read: find it a Piece of, I wish, I could say, innocent, Entertainment.  But whilst such Amusements are apt to teach Amour, and Intrigue, they are like to engage the mind and ensnare the Heart too far, and to consume too much Time: But besides, they being designed to Polish, they instruct in the fashionable, which are the most pleasing, though corrupt, principles and Ends: The loose, gay Sentiments are also clothed in the ensnaring Language of the Age.  These are observable in this Author; though they occur, perhaps more rarely here, than in some other Writings of this kind.  The very little regard shewn to our glorious and blessed Savior in this Sort of  Compositions, is no Small Defect, in a Christian and Protestant Country: The Apostrophe’s or Exclamations — Lord! — Bless me! etc. — with Signs that the Heart is very remote from the Frames of Devotion, are too vain and irreligious.  The Duke of C______ns making so light of his grandson’s deflouring Miss Lucy Hawley, and telling her she had done nothing to be ashamed of, deserves heavy blame — and it is inexcusable to teach young persons to disparage the Ordinance of God, marriage; by shewing that the union of their Affections is the Marriage to be looked for, whereas besides the union of the Affections, we are obliged by the Institution of God devoutly to acknowledge Him in it.  I Catechized at the south School House.  A Young man, Master Nathan Burnap, keeps the school.  He had his Children together and he tarried through the Exercises.  There were about 26 Children, and I wish divine Blessing might accompany what was Said, both on the Answers and in the Conclusion.  Rev. Whitney and his Brother Lambert made a Visit here, but I saw them not.  Mr. Joshua Locks Wife also, from Husuck; but was gone when I returned.