August 7, 1773

1773 August 7 (Saturday).  My Son John has been in relaxation this week.  Is not altogether well.  Sometimes worked a while in the Garden.  Sometimes Assisted Jonathan and took Care as he thought needful, of my Affairs, and Set his own to rights, and looked after his own Things, to repair etc. and get himself ready for his own Business.  Elias begins again to look into his Books — and recover Something of his Lessons.  Rev. Frost and Dr. Jenison breakfast here in their Return from the Bolton Council: Inform that it is dissolved without doing any thing about installing Mr. Walley, and without any Result.  The other Council also, called by Mr. Goss and his Adherents, are, they Suppose, gone off.  But tis feared the Contest still unhappily remaining.  May the Lord Himself who has the Hearts of all men in His Hand, graciously interpose for His own Cause,  So sorrowfully bleeding there; and grant some happy Issue!