July 28, 1773

1773 July 28 (Wednesday).  My Son Moore left us to return home: and may God grant him a prosperous Journey by His holy Will!  N.B. He leaves me to read Mr. Cotton of Plymouths Essays on the Custom of the New England Churches relating to Baptism[1] — and Mr. Robins’s Reply[2] — and carryed with him my Sermon-Notes on Ezek. 24.16, on Lam. 3.19.20, on Rev. 6.8, “a Pale Horse.”  P.M. came old Mrs. Baker and Old Mrs. Newton to visit us.

[1]John Cotton, The General Practice of the Churches of New-England, Relating to Baptism, Vindicated; or, Some Essays on This Important Question, Whether the Practice of Persons Owning or Renewing the Covenant, and Having Baptism for their Children without Coming Immediately into Full Communion, be Warrantable?  Delivered at Several Church-Meetings in Plymouth.  With Some Letters that Have Passed on the Subject (Boston, 1772).  Evans 12,367.

[2]Chandler Robbins, A Reply to Some Essays Lately Published by John Cotton, Esq; (of Plymouth) Relating to Baptism)…  (Boston, 1773).  Evans 12,984.  Cotton replied to Robbins in The General Practice of the Churches of New-England, Relating to Baptism, Further Vindicated: Containing an Answer to the Rev. Chandler Robbins’s Reply, Relative to this Question, Whether the Practice of Persons Owning or Renewing the Covenant, and Having Baptism for their Children, with Coming Immediately into Full Communion, be Warrantable?  Wherein the Affirmative Is More Fully Confirmed.  Together with Some further Remarks on Mr. Robbins’s Injurious Treatment of the Author.  In Three Parts (Boston, 1773).