July 8, 1773

1773 July 8 (Thursday).  Went to See Mrs. Scolley (wife of John Scolley Esq.) to acquaint her as one of the female Society, with the Letters fallen into my Hands among F. Lorings Papers.  Borrowed of her Daughter Melville, the Translation of Eutopia; Mrs. Scolley desired me to visit Mrs. Jeffries.  It was in my way to Lecture.  I complyed.  I was most kindly accepted by both the Deacon and his Wife.  The latter communed with me privately about the Affairs of their Society, She being the Writer of the Society’s Letters to Mr. Loring in his Day; and desired that I would visit them at their Meetings on Wednesdays at Mrs. Browns.  Attended the Lecture.  Mr. Lathrop preached on Joh. 13.17.  “If ye know these Things, happy if you do them.”  Visit Mrs. Margaret Procter, on account of her Letters to F. Loring.  Dined at Mr. Moses Gills.  N.B. His Mother Mrs. Brigden there.  Mr. Gill communicates to me the admirable Letter Mrs. Gill wrote just before her Death to Dr. John Erskine.  N.B. Dr. Charles Coffin has lately marryed Miss [blank] Carns and desired a Visit.  I called accordingly.  P.M. Visit my aged Brother and other Friends.  My Kinsman Elias has a Child lately born, a Daughter, which may God bless!  Took a Tour in the forestreet to view and Compare old Things with late.  Visit old Mrs. Lydia Dyar, formerly Hough, or Huff, an aged infirm Woman.  Was at Mr. Mathers.  At my New Sister Shaws (and drank Tea).  At Mrs. Jones’s (once Apphia Coffin) Daughter of Mr. John Coffin of Newbury.  Lodged again at my Sons.