March 24, 1773

1773 March 24 (Wednesday).  I had Brecks Mare to ride to Bolton Lecture.  Called at Mrs. Martyns.  A Vendue of part of her Goods last night.  Took Mr. Whitney with me to Bolton, but Mr. Stone (who lodged at Northborough last night) goes to Marlborough to a Singing Lecture there.  Dined at Mr. Goss’s.  Rev. Messrs. Morse and Johnson there.  Mr. Morse prayed before sermon.  Mr. Johnson preached: his Text Eph. 4.1 — “walk worthy the Vocation” etc.  The Church with Mr. Goss asked our Advice, but I little to say.  Returning with Mr. Whitney called at Mr. Nat. Longleys and read to him the Letter which I composed some time ago to be sent to Capt. Bailey and him, but was not Sent.  Lodged at Mr. Whitneys.