December 3, 1772

1772 December 3 (Thursday).  Public Thanksgiving.  Preached (long) on Prov. 3.9.10.  It is my earnest prayer that God would please to affect us all with this Subject; and that we may So improve this Solemnity that we may give Glory to our Great Benefactor.  May I in particular be properly excited, heartily acknowledging, praising, extolling and thanking Him for all He has done and bestowed — and may all I enjoy or may yet be indulged with, be devoted to the Honour and Glory of God!

December 4, 1772

1772 December 4 (Friday).  Alexander wants assistance towards his Payment to be made the 14th of this Month in Southgate Purchase.  He, his Wife and Child, leave us to go home.  Miss Patty Fish here to Visit us p.m. but leaves us at Even.  N.B. Mr. Nathan Fay brings his wife to be further Examined — and I consent to their being propounded next Lords Day.  Mr. Nathaniel Whitney junior of Grafton here to talk with me about the present state of their Church — brings me the Reasons of 16 (as he tells me the Number is) against the Dissolution of Mr. Hutchinsons pastoral Relation: and the Result of the late Council, which is very favourable to Mr. Hutchinson and corrective of the opposing Party.  Mr. Whitney aforesaid dined here.

December 5, 1772

1772 December 5 (Saturday).  Mrs. Mary Drury (who was Mary Pratt) with a Letter from Mr. Webster of Temple, desiring a Certificat of her Dismission, he having mislaid what I gave him at Commencement.  I had depended upon Changing tomorrow and had Sent to both Mr. Stone and Mr. Whitney, but both have sent me their Return, that they cannot.  Tomorrow is to be the Communion at Southborough and Mr. Whitney has agreed to change with Mr. Morse.  I set my self to do what I can.

December 7, 1772

1772 December 7 (Monday).  Rode to see Mrs. Bellows, who is very low, and in danger of Death and prayed with her.  Dined there etc.  Reuben Bellows came at 3 Dollars per Month.  N.B. The Town Met to see whether the Meeting House may be enlarged.  It passed in the Negative.  At Eve Mr. Cook the Miller here a long Time; and at Close of the Day Mr. Elijah Rice — gave him a Dismission to Hennecker.

December 10, 1772

1772 December 10 (Thursday).  Reckoned and settled with Mr. Silas Hill.  Towards Night Sent to Edes and Gill an Account of Squire Woods Wife and of her Death.  Her Father Fay came from Boston and brought me a Letter from my Son Moore at Rochester containing an Account of his dear Wife’s, My beloved Susanna’s Decease!  which occurred on Nov. 30 at 9 p.m. and that She was interred on the 2d instant.  It proves very shocking to me!  The Lord Sustain and direct me and mine, who Survive!  under Such a Weight of Sorrow!

December 12, 1772

1772 December 12 (Saturday).  Reuben talks as if discouraged, but I induced him to go on.  He went to Lt. Brighams.  Hear that Mr. Barrett dyed last night.  [Marginal notation: On the 12th Capt. Jonathan Fay here complaining of the Conduct of Several Church Members who had abused him etc. — but I persuaded him to wave it — and not disturb the Communion.]

December 14, 1772

1772 December 14 (Monday).  Reuben returned from Southborough, and determines to do what he can, and promises he will not go away from me.  Deacon Wood came, and Mr. Tainter and Reuben to assist in killing an old, but fat, Cow.  I visit the widow [Hetty?] Brighams Daughter Polly, who is sick.  Prayed with them.  Called at Deacon Woods and Mr. Bass’s at Evening.

December 15, 1772

1772 December 15 (Tuesday).  Rode to Hopkinton and dined at the House of Mourning.  My dear Brother, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Barrett, was interred.  He finished his 72d year the Day before he expired.  Rev. Messrs. Bucknam, Stone, Smith, Frost and Fish were Bearers.  Mr. Fitch walked before the Corps with old Coll. Jones — and the rest of the Church before them.  The Corps was carryed into the Meeting House: where I prayed — too imperfectly — the Lord forgive the Defects and miscarriages of it.  I committed a Paper to Capt. Samuel Barrett of Boston, containing some Account and Character of the Deceased — having first read it to the Ministers, Dr. Wilson and Mr. Samuel Barrett of Boston.  I returned home at Eve, in Company with Deacon Wood and his Wife.  N.B. Neighbour Beeton overtook us — his Discourse was uncomfortable: Refusing to let me or mine cart through his Land to the Ministerial Lot, but by his pleasure as he would any other Neighbour, denying my Right of a Road or passage there.  The Deacon and his Wife, witnesses.

December 17, 1772

1772 December 17 (Thursday).  Cousen Maynard has been ill of a Fever, for several Days: has Sent an Horse for her Aunt.  Who is accordingly gone to See her.  Mrs. Kelly is poorly to Day.  At Evening Isaac Davis brings Mrs. Parkman home.  I called him to Repentance etc.  Master Smith here — returns the first Vol. of Mr. Richard Taylors Sermons and borrows the 2d.  Nathan Fay and his wife here with their Confession and Relations.  Elias Recites again.

December 21, 1772

1772 December 21 (Monday).  Returned home in Safety.  D.G.  But in my way was obliged to call at Lt. John Wood’s to See his Wife.  N.B. used great freedom with him concerning his Intemperance.  He seemed to take it well; thanked me; would beg of God he might take the Advice and reform etc.  Mr. How finishes Breck’s Chimney.  Elias goes to Mr. Smiths School Steddily.

December 26, 1772

1772 December 25 (Friday).  Looked for Reuben a.m. but in vain.  Miss Lucy Parker has been at work here several Days, making Cloths for Elias, out of Cast off Garments of Sam’s.  But she is now making him a Pair of Breeches of a Deer skin which I buy of Breck.  P.M. Reuben came from his Mothers, and otherwhere.  But was now determined to break off and go way.  Was willing to give all he had done — asked me nothing — I was welcome, because of the Dammage he was Sensible he Should do me by going away.  My pleading, urging, expostulating, offers to him, pitying, representing the Injustice, breach of promise, unhandsomeness, unsteddiness, disgrace — the unfitness of leaving me at the Close of the week, and entreating that he would but tarry till the beginning of the week — nothing wrought upon him — nor my enquiring of him whether any thing was amiss or wanting, with me or mine — whether he was dissatisfyed with the Terms?  It, all of it, produced any thing to hinder his going: he had no fault to complain of, only of himself and was resolved upon it, and bid me farewell.  Thus childishly Stubborn and invincibly Sett, Reuben left me.  This Evening Breck goes for me to Daniel Hardy on this Affair, to See whether he will consider my Disappointment and come.  N.B. Received a large Letter from Mr. Ebenezer Rice of Annapolis, dated Nov. 23, last.

December 29, 1772

1772 December 29 (Tuesday).  Mrs. P. rode with me to Capt. Jonas Brighams (in compliance with his repeated Request).  Dined there.  P.M. Captain rode with me to See old Mrs. Beeman who is confined.  Prayed with her.  Returned with the Captain to his House.  Drank Tea there, and he got his Horse and acommpanyed us in the way home, out to the Road by Dr. Haws — so respectful and courteous was he.  Yet Several parts of the Conversation brought  in Complaints respecting Ministers — particularly in the Bolton Affair and the ill State of Things in most places — and much amiss in our own.  I mentioned to him Mrs. Eunice Rice and our incumbent Duty to call her to Account.  We came home in safety.  Blessed be God who upholds our goings, and saves us from Harm!  N.B. Disquietment in Northborough and Westminster about Psalm-Books, and singing.

December 30, 1772

1772 December 30 (Wednesday).  I rode down to See Mrs. Bellows again, but went first to Mr. Ebenezer and Edmund Chamberlins, and dined there.  Called at Mr. Ezra Bakers.  At Mr. Bellows’s found his Wife exceeding low — difficult to understand her — but from what I could gather from her, She appears to be in some proper frame.  I desired Nurse to go out, and being alone with the Man and woman, brought them respectively to ask forgiveness of God and one another.  In special the Woman did more directly than before.  I hope they are sincere.  May God accept it!  Prayed there, and came home.  At Eve Elijah Brigham here; and I agreed with him to live with me three months; for 8£ old Tenor per Month to begin next Monday or Tuesday.  But if the Winter should prove a good Season (evidently So) for our Business, and we do accomplish and Succeed well, in getting Wood especially, then he must have 4 Dollars per Month.  N.B. Mr. Stone came to see me, and dined here.  He brought me two Bundles more of Mr. Lorings Diary.  I was very Sorry it was at such a Time, that I missed of him.

December 31, 1772

1772 December 31 (Thursday).  I took Some serious Notice of this Last Day of the Year.  O how great has been the Goodness of God in carrying me through the Changes of it!  Will the Lord Sanctifie to me the Deaths of persons So dear to me, as have Occurred in it! — of my Father Loring; my Brother Barrett; and my Daughter Moore.  O how stupid am I that I am no more prepared for my own!  The Lord of his infinite Mercy, Pardon all my Sins, and of this Year especially, that I may carry no old Sins into the New Year!


In Concluding the Year, I am thoughtful how my Life will conclude.  What Frame am I now in?  That I may be ready, if my Life Should now close!  Glory to God!