1772 October 26 (Monday). According to my Promise to Mr. Hutchinson and in complyance with several Others who sollicited me, I went again to Grafton to the Church Meeting. Messrs. Hall and Maccarty came also. Mr. Hutchinson apprized us of his Design of asking a Dismission and shewed us a Paper which he designed to present us to be read to the Church. But we went to the Meeting in the form which had been planned for this adjournment. Mr. Hall began with Prayer. I proposed the Business of the Meeting — but did not go far into either Article. Mr. Hutchinson gave me his Paper exhibiting his Desire, which was read — I suppose to the Churchs Surprize. But it being directed to us the Moderators we desired to have a little Space to conferr together and therefore adjourned to one p.m. When we had dined and returned, having drawn up our Minds in a paper [which?] was read to the Church. The Church (with reluctance indeed) voted that they conformed to it. And as we therein advised to call a Council of five Churches to Conduct the solemn Affair of Dismission, So the Church Voted it and proceeded to nominate and vote them. They were Westborough, 1st in Sutton, Worcester, 1st in Shrewsbury, and Mr. Leonards in Woodstock. Mr. Hutchinson offered to have the Council at his House, but the Church chose a Committee both to Sign Letters Missive, and to take Care respecting Provision for the Council. The Meeting was dissolved. Mr. Maccarty prayed. After meeting I talked with Mr. Isaac Harrington and told him how probably, his and his Neighbours great Mistake was made, viz. through their apprehending that I read Mr. Hutchinsons Letter to me, when I read the Record of the preceeding Meeting. He went away Satisfyed. Mr. Maccarty drew a Letter Missive, whereby to form the rest. I gave Mr. Hutchinson solemn Charge to consider deeply and lay to Heart this awful Dispensation of divine Providence which he was himself so much the Cause of; and to labour to become truely and deeply humbled before God for all is [sic] Defects and Miscarriages, Such especialy as he had himself owned and acknowledged and that he might be verily Sincere — which if he was then he would not try to mitigate and palliate etc., for extenuating aggravates etc. etc. Returned at Eve. Mrs. P________ is poorly from Day to Day. Complains of an heavy, distressing Load at her stomach: and many times reaching to Vomit.