October 20, 1772

1772 October 20 (Tuesday).  The Ministers Meeting here, but only Messrs. Smith and Goss of the Association here.  Mr. Fitch came, but did not speak of joining with us.  I was chose Moderator but Mr. Goss prayed.  Capt. Ezekiel How of Sudbury brought me a Letter from the Church of the West side to desire Assistance in the Ordination of Mr. Jacob Biglow, their Pastor. This Day an Ecclesiastical Council, I suppose, are met at Holden on Account of Some imprudent (if no worse) Conduct of Mr. Davis — to our great Astonishment!  O that God would please to sanctifie these dark, sorrowful Dispensations to excite Self-search, deep Humilliation and  Vigilant Circumspection!