1772 October 14 (Wednesday). I rode to Southborough, my Daughter Hannah with me. We dined at Mr. Stone’s. I preached the Lecture on 1 Pet. 1.8. O that God would add His Blessing. I am in hopes I felt something of the Sweetness of the word of God. But have abundant Reason to be deeply humbled for my low Experiences. O how gracious it is in God to order it so that such as we, who never saw the Lord Jesus Christ, may yet so believe and love, as that we may rejoice with the exceeding Joy of the Saints, which is unspeakable and full of Glory! Mr. Stone delivers me Nine Books of F. Lorings Diary. In returning home, it being cold, we called at Dr. Hawes’s. N.B. The Doctor, having took Licence, has begun to Retail.