1772 October 1 (Thursday). Rode to Shrewsbury Lecture. In my way called at Mr. Samuel Fays, and read to him a Petition which he had desired me to draw for him. He likes it well, and desires this may be read publickly. Dined at Mr. Sumners. I preached the Lecture on 1 Joh. 1.3 to page 13. Returning had Dr. Crosby’s Company. N.B. He says Coll. Whitcomb speaking to him of great Genius’s becoming crazy, he said, “there is our Deacon Baker, the sensiblest man we have, is sometimes so out, that he can’t follow his Business”; and this the Doctor also confirmed. Called again at Mr. S. Fays to see when he would sign his Petition? In Answer thereto, he desired me to sign it for him — and called old Mr. James Maynard to witness to it; and he accordingly took due notice of it. Came home in safety. Thanks be to God for it!