September 13, 1772

1772 September 13 (Sunday).  When I was much Straitned and unprepared, a kind Providence cast in here Mr. Josiah Sherman of Woburn on his Journey home from New Haven Commencement.  He preached for me a.m. on Rom. 7.13, last Clause — sin exceeding Sinful — and p.m. on Rom. 3.28.  N.B. he read the Chapters where his text lay.  May God grant grace to profit by these excellent and fervent Discourses, and reward the Preacher!  I Baptized Mr. Bass’s Child — Hannah.  Mr. Sherman returned at Eve to Capt. Benjamin Fay’s, from whence He came in the morning. Have the Sorrowful News that Cousen Nanny Davis was yesterday delivered of a Child: a Son!  May God grant her true Repentance!