1772 September 5 (Saturday). My other sons came to See me before I mounted to come away. Ebenezer and Lucy (upon my intimating that I wanted to prepare for settling my small Affairs) opened to me their minds concerning their Labors and sufferings etc. in their first beginning the world. I was variously affected with what they Said. I beg that Wisdom and Grace to do what is just and kind to my Own. My Son B. sat out with me to accompany me in a direct way to Mr. Asher Rice’s. We called to see old Mrs. Watson; where was her Son Draper: who was our Company through the woods, and (my son parting with me when I got near Mr. Drapers) he took me to his House and I dined there. After Dinner he was kind enough to with [sic] me to Mr. Rice’s, whose Cancer has prevailed upon his Nose, and one of his Eyes is Shut up. I discoursed with and prayed and took final leave, not expecting ever to see him again here. Parted there also with that kind Mr. Draper. May the Lord reward him! I hastened to Mr. Conklings, and lodged there. N.B. He was gone hours before.