July 17, 1772

1772 July 17 (Friday).  Bought several Books for my Neighbours, viz. Willisons Sacramental Meditations for Mr. Arnold, Mr. Edwards Life for Miss Elizabeth Whipple.  Bought for my self, of Mr. Condy, Bennets Christian Oratory, 2 Volumes.  Gave 3.10 old Tenor.  Visit Mrs. Bailey in her Lying in.  In my returning home, called at Mrs. Goddards in Weston and dined there.  Called also at Mr. Bridg’s at Framingham.  Arrive Safely, through Gods great Goodness, at home, and find all Well.  D.G.  Find here my Cousen Bradford who came with Mrs. Allen, Sister Cushing and Miss Lucy Cushing.  My Son Cushing came also and lodged here.  N.B. Mr. Zeph. Briggs and his Wife and Mr. Hammook here, before I got home.