July 16, 1772

1772 July 16 (Thursday).  Went to Boston.  My Cousen Bailey has a Son — named Samuel Proctor.  Mr. Mather preached the Lecture on Joh. 16.14.  I dined at Dr. Cooper’s, where Mr. Rand, Lawrence, Hitchcock, and a Number of other Ministers din’d.  P.M. at Mr. Richard Cranch’s, to whom I committ my Watch.  N.B. William Henderson was there, but I did not care to employ him.  At Brother Williams with other Heirs of my Mother to settle our Accounts to this Day.  £8.10 old Tenor my Share of money actually received by Sister Parkman from divers of the Tenants.  The Heirs (except Cousen Oliver, who was Sent for, but did not come) desire Mr. Loyd and Cousen Elias to take the Care of the House and Tenants till providence shall open some other way for the Disposal of it.  I supped at Loyds, but lodged with my Son Samuel at Bradfords.  N.B. Mr. Joseph Greenleaf (who fell under the Frowns of the Governor and Council last year, as or for Mucius Scaevola) came to Mr. Loyds, and was full of the same Spirit that had appeared publicly.