1772 July 14 (Tuesday). Sat out early for Cambridge. Breakfast at Coll. Buckminsters. Am informed that Miss Henrietta Overing at Dr. Wilsons, Hopkinton, was lately married to Mr. [blank] Jones and is brought to bed of 2 Children.[1] Called at Deacon Browns. Dined at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Capt. John Tainters. Hear that Mr. John Stearns is become distracted. Could not but go to See him. Saw the miserable Man in a Chamber, very naked, chained and wild: the poor Woman much distressed for him. Lodged at Capt. Daniel Whitneys.
[1]Edward Jones of Providence int. Henneritta Overing, May 6, 1772; Hopkinton VR, 309.