July 2, 1772

1772 July 2 (Thursday).  A.M. visited Mr. Richard Barns, Mr. Abraham Bonds, Mr. Bathericks, and Mr. Hannaniah Parker — had discourse with her as well as with him, but neither of them Seem to be well Satisfyed, though I endeavoured  all I could to mollify, and answer their Complaints.  Met with Mr. Reuben Pratt, who confirms what we have heard of the Straits and Difficultys people in New Towns are exercised with for want of Grain.  P.M. my wife went with me to Mrs. Kendals where was Celebrated the Marriage of her son Jonathan to Miss Sarah Brigham.  Elias was better in the Day but was worse again at Night.  N.B. wrote by Mr. Pratt to my Son Cushing.