1772 July 1 (Wednesday). Breck is White-Washing the House. My Wife makes me a dark-figured Callico Gown, which is a present of Brecks to me.
Month: July 1772
July 2, 1772
1772 July 2 (Thursday). A.M. visited Mr. Richard Barns, Mr. Abraham Bonds, Mr. Bathericks, and Mr. Hannaniah Parker — had discourse with her as well as with him, but neither of them Seem to be well Satisfyed, though I endeavoured all I could to mollify, and answer their Complaints. Met with Mr. Reuben Pratt, who confirms what we have heard of the Straits and Difficultys people in New Towns are exercised with for want of Grain. P.M. my wife went with me to Mrs. Kendals where was Celebrated the Marriage of her son Jonathan to Miss Sarah Brigham. Elias was better in the Day but was worse again at Night. N.B. wrote by Mr. Pratt to my Son Cushing.
July 3, 1772
1772 July 3 (Friday). Mr. Phinehas Bowman in his way to Cambridge calls and asks me to his Commencement. Old Mrs. Kelly came in to see us. The new marryed Couple Send Invitation to Sophia and Hannah to go over and See ‘em. They comply and ride together.
July 4, 1772
1772 July 4 (Saturday). Expected Mr. Fish from Concord and depended upon preaching at Upton, but he came not; It was to my great Disappointment.
July 5, 1772
1772 July 5 (Sunday). Read Hosea 4. An Expository Account of the forepart, to v. 5, with Practical Observations, was the forenoon Exercise. P.M. read Heb. 12. And preached again on Prov. 29.1, repeating what remained of the Discourse began last Sabbath. At Even came Mr. Emmerson of Concord from Upton, Mr. Fish preaching for him. He lodges here.
July 6, 1772
1772 July 6 (Monday). Mr. Emmerson to Concord. P.M. Mr. Fish — tells me why he disappointed me and asks forgiveness. Acquaints me with their proceedings in their Council: their sad Contests and Splitting. The minor part of the Council drew up and read publickly a Protest against the Result. Mr. Fish leaves me a Result which I copyed.
July 7, 1772
1772 July 7 (Tuesday). I preached at Mr. Daniel Hardys on Joh. 4.10. N.B. One Mrs. Harrington of Worcester there present, who Deacon Wood informed me was in great trouble of mind; to whom the Exercise was serviceable. Mr. Spring works here and lays a Floor on a Scaffold in my Barn.
July 8, 1772
1772 July 8 (Wednesday). My son Breck and Nathan Fisher (having Mr. Bellows Horse to carry Tools) sat out for Monadnock. Elias is So much better as to do Some Small Chores, yet is not well.
July 9, 1772
1772 July 9 (Thursday). Several Persons assist my Daughters in Quilting an handsome Callico Bed-Quilt, viz. Mrs. Hawes, Zilpah Bruce. P.M. came Mr. Merriam of Newtown, with his Wife and Wife’s Mother. Mrs. Maynard came with them and they returned with her. My son John at Even.
July 10, 1772
1772 July 10 (Friday). A Number more of Neighbours came to help quilt, viz. Mrs. Spring, Abigail Woodward, who dined here. P.M. Miss Polly Baker and Several others. N.B. a.m. came Capt. Bradford and his Wife, from Mrs. Allens of Shrewsbury, and Mr. Allen with them. They dined, drank Tea. They tarry over the Night. Breck returned. N.B. Mr. Hannaniah Parker made up Accounts with me. Paid £111.10.4, which was in full of 261.1.3 old Tenor or 34.16.2 L.M.
July 11, 1772
1772 July 11 (Saturday). Mrs. Allen takes Mrs. Bradford with her to Shrewsbury. Capt. Bradford returns to Boston. Nabby Woodward quilts and dines here. Ensign Warrin also and one Joseph Prebble of old York, a stranger, dined here.
July 12, 1772
1772 July 12 (Sunday). I Read Ps. 92; because I had not finished what I wanted to deliver on Hosea IV and I preached again on that Chapter, verses 4 and 6. P.M. read Heb. 13 and being prevented by various Hindrances I repeated sermon on Joh. 3.19 to p. 13. The 6th Article of the propertys of Light was omitted for want of Time and strength.
July 13, 1772
1772 July 13 (Monday). Went up the Street on divers necessary Occasions. Was at Breakfast at Neighbour Arnolds. Mr. William Bowman of Brookfield brings me a Letter of Gratitude from My Kinsman Bradshaw. Mr. Hall of Sutton brings Burroughs Vol. 1.
July 14, 1774
1772 July 14 (Tuesday). Sat out early for Cambridge. Breakfast at Coll. Buckminsters. Am informed that Miss Henrietta Overing at Dr. Wilsons, Hopkinton, was lately married to Mr. [blank] Jones and is brought to bed of 2 Children.[1] Called at Deacon Browns. Dined at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Capt. John Tainters. Hear that Mr. John Stearns is become distracted. Could not but go to See him. Saw the miserable Man in a Chamber, very naked, chained and wild: the poor Woman much distressed for him. Lodged at Capt. Daniel Whitneys.
[1]Edward Jones of Providence int. Henneritta Overing, May 6, 1772; Hopkinton VR, 309.
July 15, 1772
1772 July 15 (Wednesday). Attended the Commencement at Cambridge. Cousen Thomas Barrett takes Care of my Horse (for there I put up). Visit Brother and Sister Champney. Dined in the Hall. At Sir Bowmans, Sir Whitneys etc. The publick Assembly very Splendid. N.B. p.m. Ladys of Quality took possession of the Foreseat instead of the Overseers. At Dr. Appletons at Evening where was Dr. Haven and Lady. One of their sons was graduated. I Supped there. Lodged at Barretts. N.B. William Crosby, having conducted unfitly, especially ungratefully to my Son Forbes, who was bound for him, has absconded. Mr. Bradshaw (now at Brookfield) has his 2d Degree.
July 16, 1772
1772 July 16 (Thursday). Went to Boston. My Cousen Bailey has a Son — named Samuel Proctor. Mr. Mather preached the Lecture on Joh. 16.14. I dined at Dr. Cooper’s, where Mr. Rand, Lawrence, Hitchcock, and a Number of other Ministers din’d. P.M. at Mr. Richard Cranch’s, to whom I committ my Watch. N.B. William Henderson was there, but I did not care to employ him. At Brother Williams with other Heirs of my Mother to settle our Accounts to this Day. £8.10 old Tenor my Share of money actually received by Sister Parkman from divers of the Tenants. The Heirs (except Cousen Oliver, who was Sent for, but did not come) desire Mr. Loyd and Cousen Elias to take the Care of the House and Tenants till providence shall open some other way for the Disposal of it. I supped at Loyds, but lodged with my Son Samuel at Bradfords. N.B. Mr. Joseph Greenleaf (who fell under the Frowns of the Governor and Council last year, as or for Mucius Scaevola) came to Mr. Loyds, and was full of the same Spirit that had appeared publicly.
July 17, 1772
1772 July 17 (Friday). Bought several Books for my Neighbours, viz. Willisons Sacramental Meditations for Mr. Arnold, Mr. Edwards Life for Miss Elizabeth Whipple. Bought for my self, of Mr. Condy, Bennets Christian Oratory, 2 Volumes. Gave 3.10 old Tenor. Visit Mrs. Bailey in her Lying in. In my returning home, called at Mrs. Goddards in Weston and dined there. Called also at Mr. Bridg’s at Framingham. Arrive Safely, through Gods great Goodness, at home, and find all Well. D.G. Find here my Cousen Bradford who came with Mrs. Allen, Sister Cushing and Miss Lucy Cushing. My Son Cushing came also and lodged here. N.B. Mr. Zeph. Briggs and his Wife and Mr. Hammook here, before I got home.
July 18, 1772
1772 July 18 (Saturday). Mr. Cushing in going home, goes to Harvard to change with Mr. Johnson. My Kinswoman, Mrs. Bradford, is here with us. I prepare as well as I can, for one Exercise.
July 19, 1772
1772 July 19 (Sunday). Read Ps. 93 and 94. Delivered another Exercise on Hosea IV, that is, on v. 7 and 8. P.M. Read Jam. 1. Went on with my old preparations on Job 3.19. Admitted Mrs. Lydia Grout into the Church. N.B. Cousen Bradford able to go to Meeting p.m.
July 20, 1772
1772 July 20 (Monday). In Complyance with a Letter from Mr. Hutchinson I went to Grafton to attend a Church Meeting there. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons. At the Meeting I prayed. The aggrieved oppose the Appointment of the Meeting and will not own the Choice of the Moderator. Spent the time in Altercations. It is complained by the Aggrieved that Mr. Hutchinson had agreed with them to have the Meeting (the Business of which was to see whether they would accept the Result of the late Council) to have been some Friday passed, but that he neglected to, and appointed it on a Sabbath Day when none of them were present (for they will not attend on his public Exercises) and when the assembly was dismissed chose a moderator which they had no hand in. N.B. Stephen Prentice very coarse, rude, impudent, upon which I did not care to tarry — but being perswaded to Stay, I prevailed with them to condescend to one another and appoint another Meeting and unite also in choosing their Moderator. These they did. The Day to be this Day Month, and though I opposed Coming again, they unanimously besought me to come again. Even Prentice, Lt. Ward and Mr. Ephraim Sherman requested etc. The Meeting concluded without Prayer or Blessing. Returned home at Eve, Deacon Meriam and Mr. Nat. Whitney junior accompanying part of the Way.
July 21, 1772
1772 July 21 (Tuesday). It being an exceeding dry time, and my Pastures dryed up, I rode to Mr. Jonathan Forbes to get my Horse pastured — but tryed in vain. Dined at Deacon Bonds. P.M. was not very well. N.B. Mrs. Caryl Sent me a pair of Doves. Sent to Boston by Mr. Daniel Nurse.
July 22, 1772
1772 July 22 (Wednesday). Most reviving Rain last night and the Early part of the Morning. To God most gracious be all praise and Glory! Cousen Bradford Seems to recruit and gather good Spirits.
July 23, 1772
1772 July 23 (Thursday). Elias going to catch the Horse, was kicked in his Side, which causes him to lie by. I have received from Mr. John Hicks junior of Boston, printer, Mr. Isaac Ambrose’s works, which he bought for me at the late Vendue. It stands me £5.15 old Tenor.
July 24, 1772
1772 July 24 (Friday). Elias has not got over the Kick by the Horse, but is unhappily wounded by the fall of a Chizzell upon his Ankle. This cutt further adds to his Confinement. Old Mr. Arnold of Grafton makes me a very respectfull Visit. Endeavours to comfort me under the Affronts received at the late Church-Meeting. At Eve Phinehas goes to Mr. Thomas Bonds, where he has bargained for a Barrell of Cyder, for 50/ Old Tenor and with my Team brings it home.
July 25, 1772
1772 July 25 (Saturday). Breck has met with Loss in a Load of Staves, Sent to Boston, but upon their Culling, are not merchantable. He had ‘em of a Son of Deacon Warrin of Upton. He is gone over to See what can be done, for Satisfaction. At Mr. Silas Hills urgent request I lent him Ten Dollars.
July 26, 1772
1772 July 26 (Sunday). Read Ps. 95 and 96. Preached on Hos. IV.9.10.11. P.M. with Additions and great urgency delivered the Remainder of Sermon on Joh. 3.19. My Cousen Bradford did not go to Meeting p.m.
July 27, 1772
1772 July 27 (Monday). Am reading Expositions and Sermonizing. Mrs. P and Mrs. Bradford visit Mrs. Spring and Mrs. Newton. At Eve Mr. Aaron Crosby here from Onoquaque. Mr. Taylor from Shrewsbury but they go to Grafton.
July 28, 1772
1772 July 28 (Tuesday). A Remarkable Day for Brightness, and Burning Heat: but little Wind. Reapers are Phinehas, Breck and Elias. They break off at 11 a.m., for they began very early. They go to work again about 4 p.m. Before the Heat came on I waited on my Cousen Bradford with my Horse: and we rode northwardly and Southwardly for the Sake of an Airing. Cousen Bradshaw from Brookfield and lodges here.
July 29, 1772
1772 July 29 (Wednesday). Another Burning Day — but not So hot as Yesterday. I preached a Lecture to Such as could and would attend, on Mat. 13.39. I Sent to Boston by Mr. Edwards Whipple for a Kegg of Rum. Gave him £3.15 old Tenor. Mr. Richard Kelly came here with his Mother — and in his Cart brought her Bed, Chest, and a variety of other Goods. Mr. Bradshaw and Sophy went in the Doctor’s Chaise to Concord.
July 30, 1772
1772 July 30 (Thursday). It pleased God in His great Goodness to Send us a plentiful Rain, after a distressing Drought. Mr. Gilmore from Volentown came, in his Journey to Nutfield, and he lodges here.
July 31, 1772
1772 July 31 (Friday). The Morning was too rainy, but towards noon Mr. Gilmore left us. I have bought of him Mr. Joseph Fish of Stonington’s Examiners Examined. Price 15/ old Tenor.