May 1, 1772

1772 May 1 (Friday).  This Morning came Mr. Bradshaw from Deacon Woods where he lodged last night, after his Journey from Brookfield.  Deacon being his Company; and they very late in the Night.  Rode to Capt. Maynards and dined — thence to the late Lt. Martyns, and then to Mr. Whitneys.  I attended the Funeral of the late Lt. John Martyn, who has departed from us in the 42d Year of his Age, and has left Six Children.  I was desired to walk among the Mourners.  N.B. Mr. Whitney prayed.  Mr. Smith of Marlborough and Mr. Sumner of Shrewsbury were there also.  The Lord teach us all, the mournful Widow, Mother, Brethren etc. to profit.  Returned at Eve.

May 3, 1772

1772 May 3 (Sunday).  In the morning Mr. Samuel Barrett from Hopkinton (Mr. Fitch being gone to Connecticut) and he dined with us.  His Father still weak.  Read Dan. 9 from v. 20.  Administered the Lords Supper, after preaching on 1 Cor. 6.20.  P.M. read Heb. 3.  Preached on 2 Cor. 4.18, repeating two Sermons on that Text.

May 5, 1772

1772 May 5 (Tuesday).  I walked to Deacon Bonds to private Meeting, and preached on Mat. 6.19.20.  Received from Brookfield Mr. Forbes is gone to Boston, but called at his Cousen Samuels.  N.B. Mr. Hutchinson called here in the Morning as he was going to Boston, and left with me his paper (or Book rather) containing 18 Articles against his aggrieved Brethren, which I read.  Breck has Customers flocking to him.

May 7, 1772

1772 May 7 (Thursday).  Cousen Uriah Brigham and his wife make us a Visit.  She tarrys to dine and p.m. Mrs. Baker Sent her Chaise for Mrs. P________ and her two neeces.  P.M. I catechized  the Girls at the Meeting House.  Only 21 came.  Mr. Hutchinson in his Return from Boston, came in, took his Book of 18 Articles against the aggrieved Brethren.  He asked me to change next Sabbath, but I told him that though I was not against it for myself yet it might not be Prudent with regard to our People.  At Eve came my son Forbes from Boston and lodges here.  Cousen Brigham and her Sister [Betty?] go to their Sister Maynards.

May 8, 1772

1772 May 8 (Friday).  Mr. Forbes leaves us early to return home.  Breck goes to Mr. Fish at Upton and returned at Eve in the Rain.  Am informed that Mr. [blank] Bass and a Load of his Goods are come up from Boston, to Deacon Wood’s; the said Bass being about to set up Trading in this Neighbourhood.

May 9, 1772

1772 May 9 (Saturday).  Breck riggs up my Vine House in the Garden.  Mr. Uriah Brigham from Marlborough brings my watch and a parcel of Tallow which I have bought of him.  Have some Discourse with him about the Troubles Mr. Smith meets with from a Number of Disgusted Persons there; Mr. Alpheus Woods, Sawin and others.

May 12, 1772

1772 May 12 (Tuesday).  Am informed that yesterday the Church of Grafton Met and Chose a Council, viz. the Churches under the Pastoral Care of the Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Dr. Eliot, Mr. Emmerson of Hollis, Mr. Lawrence of Lincoln, and Mr. Leonard of Woodstock.  And least any of these Should fail, Rev. Mr. Morril and Mr. Pain.  N.B. am reading the Life and Sermons of Mr. Thomas Steffe published by Dr. Doddridge.

May 13, 1772

1772 May 13 (Wednesday).  A Number of my Cattle were driven to Brookfield by Messrs. Newton and Bond; and my Brookfield Elias goes with them to assist in driving.  Mr. Fitch came for the Copy of the Charge I gave at his Ordination, and he has Received it, and Returned home.  Between 9 and 10 at Night Came my Son and Daughter Moore, to our great Joy.

May 14, 1772

1772 May 14 (Thursday).  Mr. Moore trys in Vain to get an Horse for him to go to Oxford; he is obliged to tarry with us.  Held a Catechetical Exercise to young Women.  26 attended.  And may God accept us herein!  N.B. We began the Catechism again.  Mr. Elisha Fobes brings up fresh Assortment of Goods for BreckBenjamin Fay junior is marryed to Beulah Stow.

May 16, 1772

1772 May 16 (Saturday).  Phinehas begins to Plant in the further Field — assisted by my Elias.  Mr. Bradshaw complains much of Indisposition — Pain in his Breast etc.  I am Somewhat disquieted that Mr. Bass would come here to trade, when So advertised by my Son, previously; and that my Neighbours, especially that one so friendly and near as ________ ________, Should So assist him in it, when it is So apparently to my Son’s great Detriment.  But I would view the Sovereign Dispositions of divine Providence etc.  And desire to Observe the Hand of God in all that is done.  Deacon Brown called in his returning from Leicester.  Elias returned from Brookfield.

May 17, 1772

1772 May 17 (Sunday).  Mr. Bradshaw is with me, but is not well and can’t preach.  He went to Meeting, but in singing time went out.  Read Dan. XI, former part.  Gave but imperfect Sketches upon it.  Preached on Prov. 12.26.  N.B. Many Grafton and Shrewsbury people here at Meeting, Mr. Hutchinson being at Uxbridge, Mr. Sumner at Spencer.  Mr. William Brigham and Master Taylor dined here.  P.M. read Heb. 5.  Delivered another of my Sermons on 2 Cor. 4.18, last Clause, and may God grant the awakening may have Effect!

May 19, 1772

1772 May 19 (Tuesday).  Elias, my Grandson, goes home to his Father very Contrary to my Expectation, but his Father is unable to go on with his Business and Sends for him.  Mrs. P________ and my Daughter Moore rode to Capt. Maynards.  Mr. Bradshaw rode to Worcester and returned.  I am reading a well writ Piece in defence of Immersion in baptizing, and of Antipoedo baptism.  It was brought me by Master Taylor, with the Desire of Ensign Fay to read it: he wants my Thoughts of it.  Nigh Night the Sheriff Baldwin of Shrewsbury, accompanyed by Mr. Phinehas Gleason, came to desire me in the Name of Judge Artemas Ward to go up to Deacon Woods to give Certificat of the Marriage of Joseph Rice and Eunice Harrington.  I went, gave it, and took Oath to it.  Squire Whipple was also there.  Mr. Joseph Rice also.  It was further desired, and insisted for, that I would let them See Mrs. Rice’s Confession which she offered the Church.  This I found my self obliged to do.  And a Copy of it was required.

May 20, 1772

1772 May 20 (Wednesday).  Squire Whipple came (desired by Judge Ward and Mr. Joseph Rice) to receive a Copy of Mrs. Eunice Rice’s Confession, which I delivered, and the justice requiring my Oath to the Truth of the Copy and my Signing the Attestation, I submitted to it.  Mrs. Wood made us a Visit, as did Mrs. Hawes — and drank Tea.  Mr. Moore returned from Oxford to us, at Evening.  Mr. Taylor with him.

May 21, 1772

1772 May 21 (Thursday).  I Reckoned with Mr. Arnold and Paid all.  I lent Breck two Guineas.  Mr. Moore and my Daughter rode over to Northborough to visit Mrs. Martyn and at Mr. Whitneys.  P.M. Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Taylor, each in a Chaise, take Sophy and Hannah with them to Northborough.  Mr. Phinehas Haskell here, and I payd him in full.  Town meet to choose Representative.  They Unanimously choose Capt. Maynard.  At Night Isaac Davis and Anne Brigham were marryed.

May 23, 1772

1772 May 23 (Saturday).  Mr. Bradshaw goes to Worcester to keep School there.  Mr. Breck came a.m. and dined with us.  Mr. Moore being here also I recommended to them the Case of Marlborough, Mr. Smith being at Boston under the operations of Mr. Pope (a Quaker) for the Cure of his Cancer.  But Mr. Breck chose to tarry here, and Mr. Moore’s Horse was at a Distance.  Mine is at Leicester; He and his wife could not tarry here any longer than over the Sabbath if the weather should be suitable.  So that neither of them went.  Mr. Hancock, the Tailor, having finished his work for me, goes home to Hopkinton.  Mr. Hannaniah Parker pays me £45 old Tenor.

May 24, 1772

1772 May 24 (Sunday).  Read Joh. [4th?].  Mr. Moore preached on v. 24.  P.M. read Heb. 6.  Mr. Brecks Text was Gen. 50.20, but the whole Exercise was, Observations on the Story of Joseph.  N.B. young Mr. Barrett of Hopkinton here and with him Deacon Barrett of Boston.  They dined here, but returned to Hopkinton presently after the public Exercises.

May 28, 1772

1772 May 28 (Thursday).  Went to See my Brother.  Found him weak and broken, yet he could converse.  Attended the Convention, which met at Mr. Lovells School-House.  Was moderator and prayed.  Saw and conversed with Brother Smith who was at Convention.  Mr. President Locke preached on 2 Cor. 4.2, latter part, “but by manifestation of the Truth” etc.  The Collection was 21£ 3.11 Lawful Money.  Last Years was £  Dined at Dr. Chauncy’s.  Returned to the Convention.  Dr. Eliot made the Concluding prayer.  N.B. Mr. Ed. Barnard having been confirmed to preach next Convention, Mr. Chandler of Rowley was chose his Second.  At Eve I visited Mr. Surcomb who is confined by his Gout and a Cold etc.  Lodged with my Son Samuel.  N.B. At my Son Samuels Request I have this afternoon complyed with a Message from Shaw Esq. to drink Tea at his House, where was his Daughter, Miss Sally, with whom, as it seems, my Son has contracted Intimacy.

May 29, 1772

1772 May 29 (Friday).  Was at Mr. Cranch’s, watch maker.  Dined at Dr. Pembertons.  But first went, according to a previous Invitation, to Dr. Eliots, but Dr. P. sent a Card to invite him, Mr. Moses Parsons and me, to dine with him.  Visit my Cousen Oliver — my Brother, Cousen Nat’s Widow, and other Relatives.  The proprietors of the House which was my honoured Mothers confer about a settlement etc.  Towards night rode to Roxbury.  Visit Dr. Davis and paid him £15.10 old Tenor, which is in full.  Supped and lodged at Mr. Adams’s.

May 30, 1772

1772 May 30 (Saturday).  Sat out early, before Mr. Adams was up.  Broke fast at Capt. Brewers at Watertown.  Nahum Green rides with me from thence, Some way.  He was of Leicester, lives now at Royalstone.  Dined at Mr. Bridge’s at Framingham.  Called at Mr. Stones.  Arrived Seasonably and Safely here.  Blessed be God for His Goodness to me!  But my Kinsman Bradshaw is here Sick of a Fever.  He came from Worcester last Wednesday and was taken ill.  Such is the Will of God Supreme!  He had Sophy to watch the night after the 27th.  Mr. Taylor watched that after the 28th.  Then Breck lay down by him several Nights.  Ruth.