October 11, 1771

1771 October 11 (Friday).  The weather being good, my Hands resolutely Set to the Cutting up of my Corn.  Deacon Wood sent a Team and his hired Man.  P.M. a great many more came.  They brought it in and husked it out.  Mr. Stone sent Peter (his Son) to call me to see Miss Judith before she expires.  I left my Study, my pressing affairs, and went.  She was alive and had her Reason — conversed a little.  Said (as heretofore) Death was terrible.  Discoursed with Miss Joanna and with poor Wasting Quilla.  Prayed with them and returned.  N.B. In going, my new Horse Stumbled, fell, and brought me down, but through Gods great Goodness, received no great Hurt.  D.G.  N.B. I left here my Daughter in Law, Lydia, and her Lydia, who came up from Concord to see us and I found here Joshua Winter who in a Chaise which Samuel had provided, brought up Sophy from Boston.  My Kinswoman, Mrs. Winter, wrote me an Answer to my Letter to her concerning the Death of her Polly Langdon.