February 28, 1771

1771 February 28 (Thursday).  It was very rough Weather, cold, blowing, Sometimes Cloudy and Snowing; it is also difficult passing over Bridges; but I undertook to visit old Mrs. Maynard.  As I went I called at Squire Whipple’s and dined there.  N.B. I moved it to the Squire to try whether Ensign Jeduthun Fay would not comply with Some Method or other to obtain Peace.  I offer in particular that if he will make it appear I have given him ground of Offence, I will make him reasonable Satisfaction — Or, if he will comply with no reasonable proposal to be reconciled to Me, yet that he and his Family would do what is requisite to prepare them for, and attend upon Gospel Administrations according to Christs Appointment in some other Christian Church.  This I repeated and urged upon Squire Whipple to endeavour with that difficult man.  Then I proceeded to Mr. James Maynards — found his Wife very low: under bilious Disorders.  Conversed and prayed with her.  Her Husband behaves with great Decency and Civility.  Here am informed that Mrs. Gale (Mr. Abijahs Wife) expired last night.  In returning home I called at Mr. Edwards Whipples, and Smoked a pipe with Master Taylor.  Borrowed of him President Burrs Latin Grammar and Millers Rudiments of the Greek Tongue.  N.B. A Number of Neighbours are at Work at Mr. Whipple’s Mill-dam etc. dammaged by the Floods, and he himself gone to Boston.  N.B. Hear that Somewhat lately, Mr. Thomas Temple had a Separate and Baptist, viz. Mr. [blank] Southgate to preach at his House. Thus Ends this Winter Month, but not the Winter-Weather.