February 3, 1771

1771 February 3 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Isa. 63.1, last clause.  “Mighty to save,” but carryed on my Discourse on Act. 4.12.  Deacon Burnap and his Daughter, Capt. Maynard and his Wife dined here.  P.M. on Consideration of the sorrowful Circumstances of Several Familys, I delivered again the sermons on 2 Cor. 4.17, both in one Exercise.  N.B. Mr. Corn. Biglow exceeding low.  At Even in the Family read in Dr. Owen of Spiritual mindedness.

February 4, 1771

1771 February 4 (Monday).  Mr. Biglow brings an Horse in the morning for me to visit his son.  Find him very weak.  He laments his neglect of making a Profession.  He consents to the Covenant of Grace.  He hopes that God forgives him.  Prayed with him.  Visit and prayed with Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Adams (all at Mr. Warrins).  P.M. Mr. Benjamin Brigham returns from Douglass, having given them Denyal.  At Night Breck returned from Brookfield.  Miss Nanny Brigham came home with him, but Sophy tarrys there.

February 5, 1771

1771 February 5 (Tuesday).  Mr. Summer came to see me.  Dined here.  His Wife came as far as Dr. Crosby’s in her way here; but it was too severe Weather to come any further.  After Dinner he returned, for I went to private Meeting at the Widow Newtons; where I Preached on Isa. 4.5.  I came away against their sollicitations to eat and drink with them because of our perplexitys and disappointments relative to Brecks going to Fitchbourg for my Strayed steer: but Breck would have gone on Foot.  Read out Mr. Mat. Barker’s Intellectual Flower part 2d borrowed of Mr. Jonah Warrin.

February 7, 1771

1771 February 7 (Thursday).  Breck Sat out before Day.  Sent 3 Vols. of the World Displayed by Breck to Dr. Green at Lancaster.  Mr. Seth Morse came to inform me that Mr. Cornelius Biglow junior dyed this morning after one o’Clock and is to be buryed tomorrow.  The Widow desires me to attend upon it.  Captain Jonathan Fay here from the maltsters and offers me Malt ready ground at 25/ per Bush.  I take two.  To gratifie my own Curiosity, as also to be the better able to Judge of what my Children and others read, I took some View of Fieldings Joseph Andrews, Vol. 1, finding it accidently in the House.

February 9, 1771

1771 February 9 (Saturday).  About noon came Breck and Elias from Ashburnham but from Lancaster to Day, in a violent impetuous Storm.  The Wind has driven off part of my own Fence at the Well, and torn off the Covering of Mr. Andrews’s Stable, near the Meeting House, and the Covering of the Stables behind the Meeting House.  P.M. the storm somewhat abated, but yet the Floods high, and the Wind strong.  Difficult travelling.  I gave up the Thought of going to Shrewsbury — yet at Eve came Mr. Sumner and lodged here.

February 11, 1771

1771 February 11 (Monday).  In returning called to See Lt. Marshall Newton, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Samuel Fay and others.  Dined at home, but not till past two.  My Son Breck is gone to keep School at Northborough.  Capt. Maynard has been here and left me 100 Dollars.  He is gone to the Funeral of Capt. Ephraim Brigham.  A Letter from Dr. Joseph Joslyn, in great Affliction, requesting me to attend the Funeral of Mrs. Joslyn next Wednesday.  A Number of Gentlemen from Douglass here, viz. Capt. Hill, Messrs. Draper, Whitney and [blank] came here, having been to Marlborough to wait upon Mr. Benjamin Brigham again — but I suppose in Vain, he having given his Answer Affirmatively to the people of Monadnock.  When it was late at night came Sophy from Brookfield, accompanied accompanyed by Mr. Aaron Crosby, who lodged here.

February 12, 1771

1771 February 12 (Tuesday).  I delivered the 100 Dollars (which I received of Capt. Maynard) to Mr. Aaron Crosby, of which he gave me a Receipt, to be delivered to my son Alexander at Leicester.  After dinner he left us.  Elias is at his Books.  Elias of Brookfield is gathering up Clover and English Hay-Seed in the Barn.  Mr. Seth Morse here to shew me a Subscription of a Number of the Church and Congregation for Tate and Brady’s Version of the Psalms.

February 13, 1771

1771 February 13 (Wednesday).  Weather so rigorous that I cannot go to the Funeral of Mrs. Joslyn at Sudbury.  Send a Letter to Dr. Joslyn by Mr. Nathaniel Whitney.  P.M. Came Messrs. Chandler and Amos Wood, two Concord men, who largely defend Mr. Emerson and the Church, against the aggrieved and against the last Council, which was chose by the aggrieved only.

February 17, 1771

1771 February 17 (Sunday).  Preached a. and p.m. on Heb. 5.9.  Mr. Abraham Gale dined here.  P.M. after the usual Exercise I acquainted the Church and congregation that I had received a Paper of subscription for the New Version of the Psalms — by Dr. Brady and Nahum Tate Esq. but I could not read it at present, being it was a stormy Time and but few of the old Men at Meeting.  N.B. Ensign Jeduthun Fay, doubtless fearing I was going to read something about it, went out.

February 18, 1771

1771 February 18 (Monday).  Mrs. Parkman does not return from Ashburnham as was intended: the weather being too Severe.  At Eve reckoned with Mr. Seth Morse and pay him by a Note to Constable Daniel Nurse — for 234 lbs. of Beef, @ 15d which came to £14.12.6.  Also 11 1/2 lbs. Tallow @ 3/6.  £2.0.0 and Sugar 7 lbs. £1.2.6.  Add weaving £2.0.0.  In all £19.15.0 old Tenor in full.  N.B. Mr. Jonathan Batherick here.  Was Examined and approved.

February 19, 1771

1771 February 19 (Tuesday).  I rode in my Sleigh to see Mrs. Gale, who is very low; Scarce able to Speak.  Prayed by her.  Wrote to my Brother William and Sent it by Mr. James Knap of Uxbridge.  In returning home called to see Mr. Andrews who is lame in his shoulder.  Was treated very generously.  At nine o’clock Dr. Hawes brought home my wife and Daughter Hannah.  They came round by the way of Marlborough and made it so late by Calling at many places.  N.B. My grandson Elias went to Mr. James Goddards and brought my two year old steer home.

February 20, 1771

1771 February 20 (Wednesday).  Was poorly last night and to Day.  Mrs. Batherick (Wife of Mr. Jonathan) was here to be examined.  I spent a great deal of Time and pains with her.  Mr. Gleason brought an excellent Load of Walnut Wood.  Mr. Biglow requests a Note to Mr. Daniel Nurse for £4.4.0 when I owe him but 12/6 and receive only 48/ but tells me Mr. Thaddeus Warrin owes him the rest and shall bring it to me.  I therefore gratifie him, though it is out of Line to do it, and if proceeded in frequently would cause no little trouble.

February 23, 1771

1771 February 23 (Saturday).  By Desire of Mr. Gale I visit his Wife again.  Prayed there.  Dined at home.  Our Kinsman Mr. King of Suffield dined with us, as did Alexander and his wife, who have been to their Father Brown’s.  They called here in the Eve of the 21st in the Severe Cold, but stood along.  P.M. They Sat out again for Leicester.  N.B. He is laying a New Scheme to purchase the Southgate place.

February 24, 1771

1771 February 24 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Heb. 5.9.  P.M. Repeated in one Exercise on Ps. 91.16.  N.B. Mr. Seth Morse came to my House in the morning desirous that I would lay the matter relative to Tate and Bradys Psalms before the Church.  At Noon Deacon Bond requested the same, and said there was a Number more that desired, and he supposed expected it.  Accordingly The Church were stopped, and after first mentioning the necessity of being supplyed with Psalm Books, and that they must either confirm the old Version, or Vote for Some other: but as I had received a great Subscription to purchase Tate and Brady’s, So it was most probable that they would Choose That; therefore It was put to Vote and it passed by a great Majority.  Nay there appeared but 3 that did not vote (out of 30 present), viz. Messrs. Daniel Hardy, David Maynard and David Batherick.  The last was for having the Vote tryed again: but I chose to put the Contrary — that if any did oppose it they were desired to stand up.  But no one stood up.  Messrs. Maynard and Batherick said they Should Vote if the Congregation would fall in.  Mr. Hardy Said he did not oppose, for he knew nothing about it.  N.B. Breck came in the morning from Northborough, and tarrys over Night.

February 27, 1771

1771 February 27 (Wednesday).  Hear much of the Damage by the Floods, as well as See my Self how deep and wide the waters Spread in all the low Grounds.  Mr. Edmund Chamberlain here, dissatisfyed with Mr. Jonathan Batherick on Account of his leaving the young Mens meeting without giving any good Reason for it.  At Eve Mr. John Maynard here to acquaint me with his mothers (Granny Maynard) Illness, and that She desires me to visit her.

February 28, 1771

1771 February 28 (Thursday).  It was very rough Weather, cold, blowing, Sometimes Cloudy and Snowing; it is also difficult passing over Bridges; but I undertook to visit old Mrs. Maynard.  As I went I called at Squire Whipple’s and dined there.  N.B. I moved it to the Squire to try whether Ensign Jeduthun Fay would not comply with Some Method or other to obtain Peace.  I offer in particular that if he will make it appear I have given him ground of Offence, I will make him reasonable Satisfaction — Or, if he will comply with no reasonable proposal to be reconciled to Me, yet that he and his Family would do what is requisite to prepare them for, and attend upon Gospel Administrations according to Christs Appointment in some other Christian Church.  This I repeated and urged upon Squire Whipple to endeavour with that difficult man.  Then I proceeded to Mr. James Maynards — found his Wife very low: under bilious Disorders.  Conversed and prayed with her.  Her Husband behaves with great Decency and Civility.  Here am informed that Mrs. Gale (Mr. Abijahs Wife) expired last night.  In returning home I called at Mr. Edwards Whipples, and Smoked a pipe with Master Taylor.  Borrowed of him President Burrs Latin Grammar and Millers Rudiments of the Greek Tongue.  N.B. A Number of Neighbours are at Work at Mr. Whipple’s Mill-dam etc. dammaged by the Floods, and he himself gone to Boston.  N.B. Hear that Somewhat lately, Mr. Thomas Temple had a Separate and Baptist, viz. Mr. [blank] Southgate to preach at his House. Thus Ends this Winter Month, but not the Winter-Weather.