September 23, 1770

1770 September 23 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 29.  Went on a. and p.m. in Repeating Sermon on 1 Joh. 2.15, but with new Introduction, many alterations — and with ex temp. Close.  P.M. Read Col. 1.  N.B. Benjamin Fisks Wife being delivered of a Child, he came and offered a Note to give publick Thanks — but it Surpriz’d me much.  I refused to take it; observing to him that it was but about 3 Weeks Since they were marryed; and called him to Repentance.  I omitted also to mention publickly Mrs. Eunice Rice’s Case, though she yesterday desired it, and I wrote a Note for her; but fearing lest I Should either exceed (in her apprehension) or fall short (in the judgment of others) I sent her word by Mrs. Eunice Newton, that I desired to wave it; at least for the present, till I Should See her.  In the Eve read the Beginning of Shepherd on the Parable of the Ten Virgins.