September 11, 1770

1770 September 11 (Tuesday).  Mr. Daniel Forbes returned the foresaid Six Dollars to Lt. Baker for me, as they both informed me that it was Settled between them for Me.  I rode to the Exercises at Shrewsbury, it being a Day of Humiliation and Supplication there, on account of the Terrible Distemper, the Canker, among them.  Mr. Sumner began with prayer.  Mr. Maccarty preached a seasonable sermon on Job 2.10, “What!  shall we receive Good at the Hands of God, and Shall we not receive Evil?”  P.M. Mr. Hutchinson prayed.  (Mr. Morse was there, but could not be perswaded to perform any thing in publick.)  I preach’d on Rev. 6.8.  “And I looked, and behold a Pale Horse!” etc.  O that God would pardon Me, accept and Succeed my poor Attempts!  And that our Devotions this Day might be to His Glory, and the End answered through Jesus Christ!  In returning home called at Mr. Abbots, who had buryed three Children in a little more than 4 Days.  At Deacon Maynards who was in great Gloominess — and at his Fathers, where had been some Breaches.  Mr. Daniel Forbes and his Wife my Company from thence in their Way home.  Mrs. P________ is better, but yet is confined, and the Doctor daily visits her.