1770 July 1 (Sunday). To my great Disappointment I am at home to Day. However I prepared one Sermon. Yet still I did not use that. Read and gave Expository Account of Ezek. 21. Went on with the Discourse from Mat. 11.20 to 24 a. and p.m. P.M. read Eph. 3. Appointed a Contribution to be next Lords Day p.m. for Mrs. Eunice Cook. The Lord bless my (Somewhat unusually) fervent Labours of this Day! Within my own Soul especially!
Month: July 1770
July 2, 1770
1770 July 2 (Monday). Wrote to Ashby, but could not Send it. Mr. Cutler of Oxford, I hear, was mobbed last week, at Boston etc.[1] Levi Leland gives me an Account of his Brother in Law Fletcher’s Death — that is, as far as he knew the Cause of it. Which was That he drove his Team furiously, Set them arunning, and the Pin of the Off-Ox Bow fell out, which Sat that Ox at Liberty; and the other Ox probably Struck Mr. Fletcher down and so the Wheel went over him and killed him.
[1]The incident was reported in several newspapers; see Boston Evening-Post, July 2, 1770, issue 1814, p. 3]; Boston-Gazette, July 2, 1770, issue 795, p. [2]; Essex Gazette, July 3, 1770, issue 101, p. 194; Massachusetts Gazette, July 5, 1770, issue 3482, p. [2].
July 3, 1770
1770 July 3 (Tuesday). Preached at Mr. B. Tainters on Mat. 5.20 to p. 8 at the bottom. May the Lord add His Blessing! Mr. Thomas Whitney here at Eve.
July 4, 1770
1770 July 4 (Wednesday). Sent an Iron Pot, which I buy of Mr. Job Cushing, by John Arnold, to Capt. Cowdons in Fitchbourg, for my Daughter Cushing in Ashburnham. Wrote to Billy to let him know the late Disappointment and the Circumstances of it. Am Still reading his Honours 3 Vol. Mr. Joel Brooks brought me a New Hat from Mr. Nathaniel Balch of Boston.
July 5, 1770
1770 July 5 (Thursday). Joseph Wood, in mowing behind the Baker Stables, finds it uncommon Burthen: the Clover so very rank and thick. I was a while among the Hay, turning, raking etc.
July 6, 1770
1770 July 6 (Friday). Beeton here, and informs me that the Committee Appointed by the Town to view the Bounds of the ministerial Lot, have challenged the little triangular piece which I formerly took up as common-Land, and bounded by the great white Oak marked M — at How’s line, and which I hear John Fessenden has cut down.
July 7, 1770
1770 July 7 (Saturday). Mr. J. Maynard has brought from Boston the New Wig which I bought lately of Mr. John Bosson. Am in some Trouble about my Clover which Joseph has carted in Yesterday, it being too green. Got Neighbour Newton to go to the Barn and examine it.
July 8, 1770
1770 July 8 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 22. Preached a. and p.m. on Zech. 2.5. Read p.m. Eph. 4. After the Exercises was a Contribution for Mrs. Eunice Cook of Douglas. May the Lord accept our Offering! And Pity His Handmaid, who I believe Stands in need of Relief. Mr. John Maynard, whose Wife was brought to bed to Day, came for Ruth and She went away with him.
July 9, 1770
1770 July 9 (Monday). Deacon Wood was here in the morning to count the Money of the Contribution and we found it to be in old Tenor £ P.M. Visit old Mrs. Kelly, old Mrs. Fessenden, and her son Johns Wife. Call at Capt. Maynards — his sons Wife has lately lain in; the Child appears unhappy: but I forbear Enquirys.
July 10, 1770
1770 July 10 (Tuesday). Rode to Southborough to Miss Bulah Bent — who gave free leave to me, to cut the Bent Meadow, as I used to, notwithstanding any thing that had been said to Jonas Kenny. And dined at Mr. Stone’s. P.M. we rode to Hopkinton. Called to see Dr. Wilson. Visit Capt. Clark to Sympathize for the Loss of dear Mrs. Green. N.B. She had left for me Vol. 5, 6, 7, 8 of the World displayed, for me to read — and her mother delivered them to me. After mutual Condoling, we parted affectionately. Mr. Stone and I proceeded to Mr. Barretts — to visit them under their Infirmitys. Left Mr. Stone and proceeded (as one part of my Design was) to visit Mr. Abby who has for some time languished. He is, I hear, [hectick?]: is about to undertake a Journey to Providence for his Health. Dr. Hawes, his Wife and Child are on their Journey home.
July 11, 1770
1770 July 11 (Wednesday). Mrs. Eunice Rice, wife of Mr. Joseph Rice, it is reported Commonly, and upon strong grounds feared, has fallen into a great sin: she sojourns at Deacon Wood’s. I went to see her, to talk with her. I brought to her mind how I had several Times warned her against living in so dangerous a manner as theirs was, who being in a sort Single persons, would be greatly exposed to Temptations. She owned it was so. She said she was sorry there was So much Occasion for my coming to See her at this Time. Added that She hoped after a while to give satisfaction to us all. Upon which I asked her whether She would then have me doubt, or call in Question whether she was guilty or no? She replyed that she did neither own nor deny. After dealing plainly with her, exhorting, Cautioning her, and defending my Visiting her (which she said She did not in any wise take in ill part) I wished her the Grace of God and took leave. Mr. Ballard of Oxford dined here.
July 12, 1770
1770 July 12 (Thursday). Mr. Elijah Rices Wife here, dines, and is examined. She is, by divine leave, to be propounded. Miss Mary Pratt here also and is examined. Mrs. Martyn and her Daughter Suse visit us; but I was so employed I could be but little with her.
July 13, 1770
1770 July 13 (Friday). [No entry.]
July 14, 1770
1770 July 14 (Saturday). [No entry.]
July 15, 1770
1770 July 15 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 23 to v. [blank]. Preached on Lam. 3.22. P.M. read Eph. 5, former part. Preached on v. 6. Read the Brief from Marblehead.
July 16, 1770
1770 July 16 (Monday). Visit Mr. Gleasons Child, Betty, ill of the Throat Distemper — dangerously bad — prayed there. Dined at Dr. Crosbys. Visit Mrs. Knowlton. Breck had come from Upton and returns. Am obliged to Send to Mr. Daniel Forbes, for Money. He sends me only 4 Dollars. Am obliged to borrow. Mr. Newton obliges me. Marry Mr. Samuel Thurston and Sarah Harrington late in the Night.
July 17, 1770
1770 July 17 (Tuesday). Mount at 5 a.m. for Cambridge. Break fast at Dr. Joslins. Call at Mr. Wheelers to Enquire after Mr. Loring; his Daughter informs that he difficulty got through the last Sabbath Exercises. Called at Mr. Bridge’s. Mr. Smith was in Company and was very poorly. Dined at Waltham; Mr. Whitney of Petersham my Company from Sudbury. At Cambridge Put up my Horse at Mr. Hicks’s. Lodge at Mr. Thomas Barretts.
July 18, 1770
1770 July 18 (Wednesday). My grand son, Ebenezer, is with Mr. Barrett and behaves decently. Commencement is enlivened with News that the Custom-Acts being repealed. Mr. President Locke gave thanks publickly — yet it blew over as premature. Breakfast at the Presidents — dined in the Hall. Mr. Gardner of Stow returned Thanks. The Exercises of the Forenoon had been much diversifyed, and were entertaining: especially the forensic Disputation — the Dialogue in Chaldee that in Greek was delivered more distinctly than heretofore. At Eve I was at the Presidents where were Dr. Langdon of Portsmouth, Dr. Stiles of Newport, and Mr. Samuel Moody. Lodged as usual, at Cousen Barretts. N.B. Sister Lydia Champney more infirm: but not confined. The Rabble did mischief in their Garden last night.
July 19, 1770
1770 July 19 (Thursday). Broke fast at Mr. Adams’s at Roxbury and prayed with the Family there — went to Boston. Delivered the Case of Sarah Green, Signed by Justice Whipple, Dr. Crosby, and by me, to Dr. Stiles.[1] He preached the Lecture on Luk. 12.32. “Fear not little Flock” etc. I dined at Mr. William Blair Townshends. Messrs. Green of Barnstable, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Dana of Groton: and Mr. J. Stacy Hastings, there. Visit at Mr. Surcombs. At Eve went to my Brothers and lodged there. [Marginal notation: Much said of Worms in multitudes, infesting Fields, of Corn, and the Grass.]
[1]See Franklin Bowditch Dexter, ed., The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D., President of Yale College (3 vols.; New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1901), 1:75-76.
July 20, 1770
1770 July 20 (Friday). Could not set out Early in the Morning by Reason of many unexpected obstruction. Dined at Weston, at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Dr. Roby’s, Mr. Bridge’s, Capt. Wood’s, and engage Mr. Abraham to preach for me on the 12th or 19th of next month. Stopped and drank Tea at Dr. Joslins. Got home before 10. One Mr. Peas, of Enfield, was my Company part of the way. I found him a good deal in the Brownistical Way. He informed me of Mr. Ely’s Ordination at Summers, and that it was performed by Laymen: that he was present and liked it much. N.B. Mr. Forbes and Mrs. Loyd had got up here from Cambridge so as to dine here seasonably, and went to Capt. Allens, Shrewsbury.
July 21, 1770
1770 July 21 (Saturday). Was very much indisposed by my Journey, and could do little in my study.
July 22, 1770
1770 July 22 (Sunday). Read the latter part of Ezek. 23. Preached a.m. on Lam. 3.22.23. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. Read Eph. 6th. Preached on Mal. 3.11. The Worms prevailing in divers parts.
July 23, 1770
1770 July 23 (Monday). Visit Mr. Daniel Adams’s Child and prayed there. Visit old Mrs. Warrin. P.M. Dr. Hawes, his Wife, Child and neece here on a Visit. Currants have been agreeable, perhaps, to them and brought them. Mrs. Hill, of Douglass, Daughter of Mrs. Eunice Cook, here. Mr. Roger Bruce brought here Miss Azuba Allen, in deep Languishment. P.M. they move to deacon Bonds, in their way to Mendon.
July 24, 1770
1770 July 24 (Tuesday). A.M. I rode to the S.E. Corner, to visit several Familys. Mr. Artemas Bruce; Widow Bellows, Mr. Chamberlain: Mr. Ezra Baker: but Chiefly Mr. Ithamar Bellows and his wife who are Lame Yet, and much Confined. Dined at Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlains junior. Mrs. Hill of Douglass again in Difficulty, her Horse having got away, as she fears: and enquires about the Money lately contributed for her Mother.
July 25, 1770
1770 July 25 (Wednesday). Mrs. Hill has been to Marlborough and returned here. She hears nothing of a Contribution there. I direct her to Deacon Wood, who has the Money which we collected, and I wrote to him to disburse it so as to answer the Design of it, and the Expectation of the People. Preached my Lecture my Self; from Ps. 85.9.11. Capt. Maynard and his Wife here after Lecture. He tells me that the Select Men advised Deacon Wood to deliver Mrs. Hill the money. At Eve came Mr. Putnam of Pomfret, and my Kinsman Bradshaw — and lodged here.
July 26, 1770
1770 July 26 (Thursday). Mr. Putnam pursues his Journey home. Bradshaw to Brookfield. It grows a very dry Time, and feed is much dryed up. Mr. Roger Bruce returns from Mendon and dines here. I have sent by him several MSS of my son Forbes Sermons, to be delivered by his own Hands to Mr. F. Capt. Ezra Wood of Upton came from Breck. Mr. Elijah Rice’s Wife here with her Relation. Sophy is at Capt. Maynards from Day to Day.
July 27, 1770
1770 July 27 (Friday). [No entry.]
July 28, 1770
1770 July 28 (Saturday). [No entry.]
July 29, 1770
1770 July 29 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 24. Preached on 1 Sam. 16.5, that Clause, “Sanctifie your Self and come with me to the Sacrifice.” Delivered with additions the Exercise to young women on that Question (the 97th) in the Assemblys Catechism, “What is required of them that would worthily partake of the Lords supper?” Admitted Mrs. Prudence Rice into Church Fellowship. Administered the Lords Supper. Old Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read Eph. 6. Preached on Eph. 5.6. Contribution for the poor at Marblehead.
July 30, 1770
1770 July 30 (Monday). Visit Mr. Gleasons sons that are sick. Prayed there. Dr. Bondeli there. Visit at Mr. Samuel Fays — at the Wigwam of Mohegin Indians. At Mr. Edwards Whipples. Dr. Bondali here; also Capt. Damon etc. Deacon Bond was here to assist in counting the Money collected yesterday. It was, in old Tenor, £
July 31, 1770
1770 July 31 (Tuesday). Joseph having got in the Rye yesterday (viz. in the whole 33 shock), to Day he goes to mowing in the Newton Meadow, and at Evening brings home a Load of it. I finished reading Lt. Governour Hutchinsons 3d Vol. Mr. Hannaniah Parkers wife here. She, as well as her Husband, is always generous and will be bringing something.