May 1, 1770

1770 May 1 (Tuesday).  Visit the Widow Anna Adams who is ill of a Nervous Fever.  She is Somewhat delirious.  Prayed by her.  Rode to Marlborough.  Dined at Mr. Smiths.  Mr. Stone and Mr. Steward there.  P.M. we attend the Church Meeting, by Adjournment from Feb. 26.  Mr. Stone opens it with prayer.  Mr. Alpheus Woods was there.  The Business of the Meeting was read, as it was voted last time: but Mr. Woods would not consent to the Church’s doing any thing upon the first Article (which was that he should bring in his Objections against Mr. Hezekiah Maynard) but when he was asked whether he would or not?  He replyed that he was not carefull to answer in that matter — but if the Church would let him Support his Charges against the Pastor, he was ready.  It was declared to him that the Church would freely hear him, if it were taken in its Order.  He said he would not bring in his Objections against Mr. Hezekiah Maynard — he would not do it now.  It was urged (by me) that if the first article of the Business must be dropped (by reason of Mr. Woods refusing etc.), the Church ought to proceed to the Second, viz. that he give Satisfaction for his not coming to the Lords supper.  Upon this he became Resolute, insulted the Church (he had impudently insulted me for my being there; whereas I asserted my being there by Authority and the Church renewed their Request to me by a Vote, to be there) and he flung away out, though called after and entreated one time after another, to tarry, which if he would, there would be Opportunity for him also to be heard in its Order.  The Church Seeing he had conducted at this Rate, and was gone out from them passed 2 Votes concerning him — One of which was, that Brother A. Woods had behaved with great Insult and Contempt of the Church.  The Other was, that he be Suspended from Special Ordinances till he make Christian satisfaction for this Conduct as well as for his Delinquency as to the Communion.  Then I prayed and the Meeting was dissolved.  Returned home at Eve.  Found here Mr. Loyd from Boston and before we went to Bed came William from AshbyJoseph Wood, Son of Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton, came to work for me, and to fulfill six months for 75£ old Tenor.