April 2, 1770

1770 April 2 (Monday).  Begin to prepare for the Fast.  At Eve Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton — tells me his son Joseph would go out to work for six months but he can’t begin till the first of May.  He asks 80£.  I refuse.  I tell him if his son is a good Hand and faithful I will give 75£.  He agrees that if I hear nothing from his son before the Fast, I May depend upon his Coming to me for that, and begin the first of May, to continue out October.

April 7, 1770

1770 April 7 (Saturday).  Solomon Batherick came and offered to help me this a.m. gratis.  I set him to cut up wood at the Door.  Jonas Kenny helps my grandson Elias in going to Mill with my Team.  They carry 11 Bush. Rye, and 9 of Indian, having about 3 of Indian in the House.  He succeeds.  Mr. Edwards Whipple here and informs me that another of Mr. Edmund Rice’s Children is dead.  Desires me to spare him five pair of Gloves, which I consent to.  Mr. Whipple takes them at 15/ per pair.

April 8, 1770

1770 April 8 (Sunday).  Preached at Northborough on Rom. 13.12 a. and p.m.  Mr. Whitney preached here a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.16.  “The Spirit itself beareth Witness” etc.  I tarried there.  N.B. Mr. Aaron Whitney junior and his sister Alice there also.  N.B. Lt. Martyn waits on his Mother at Eve to Mr. Whitneys.  I Supped and lodged there.

April 9, 1770

1770 April 9 (Monday).  Am furnished by Mr. Whitney with a Variety of Garden Seeds.  Attend the Funeral of Mr. Edmund Rice’s Child, Susanna, who has dyed of the Throat Distemper.  About 7 Years of Age.  The 3d that has dyed in this Family of late by that terrible Visitation.  As I return called to See Mr. Amasa Maynards Children and Mrs. Locks.

April 15, 1770

1770 April 15 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 13.  Mr. Brigham prayed and preached a. and p.m.  His Text Gal. 6.15 both Exercises.  May God graciously add His Blessing!  Read p.m. 2 Cor. 12.  I propounded Daniel McAllister and his wife.  Ruth Bellows dined here.  Mr. Brigham returned to Marlborough at Even.  Mr. Stratton, Sadler, visited — probably to See Mr. Brigham.  My Young Horse went out to the Horses to Day and did not return till after We had got to bed.  We had Sought for him but could not find him.

April 17, 1770

1770 April 17 (Tuesday).  Lt. Baker, with a Yoke of Oxen, Neighbour Barnabas Newton with Do. and Plough, came, and with my own Oxen and Boys, and Neighbour Jo. Bonds Oxen, they plowed up that Piece of Grass Ground which was between the Meeting House and my Garden.  Rode to Bolton, to Ministers Meeting.  Dined there with Messrs. Goss, Loring, Stone and Bridge (Josiah), and Mr. Abraham Wood Candidate there, and was examined.  His Approbation was not now signed because we found he was not as yet a member in full Communion.

April 18, 1770

1770 April 18 (Wednesday).  It was Mr. Lorings Turn to preach the Lecture and he had been appointed to it, but the next Meeting must be at my House, and it would most likely be my Place to preach my Self.  It was therefore proposed that we change.  And I therefore preached in his stead to Day and he is to preach at Westborough.  My Text was Ps. 139.23.24.  N.B. Mr. Bridge Supported by Mr. Smith (or Mr. Smith Seconded by Mr. Bridge) makes a new Motion, to alter the Time of our Meetings, and that it be tryed this Year; namely to meet but one Day, and meet early: at 9 a.m.  This was voted by all but me.  Mr. Peter Whitney my Company to his House.  In coming from thence I met Mr. Thomas Temple, who urged me to go with him to his House, two of his Children being very bad of the Throat Distemper.  I went — prayed there.  When I returned home was informed that Joseph Wood of Hopkinton had been here to desire longer time before he should come to work for me etc.

April 20, 1770

1770 April 20 (Friday).  Mr. Brewer came to inform me of the extreme illness of Mr. Temple’s Children and to request me immediately to visit them.  I went with Mr. Brewer.  Hear that Mrs. Gleason dyed last night, whereas I was otherwise to have attended the Funerall of her infant Child.  Dined at Mr. Temples.  Prayed with them.  Mr. Seth Morse having bought and given me 4 pound of Clover Seed, I employed Mr. Aaron Nurse to come and Sow it, and [that?] Seed my own Barn afforded me.  At Eve came Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton.  Came again on his sons Account to desire he might delay coming, which I consent to if he will send a good Hand in his Stead; also he wants to tarry with me but 4 Months, which I could not condescend to; unless he provides an Equivalent person in his room for the other two months.

April 25, 1770

1770 April 25 (Wednesday).  Mr. Stone came, dined here, and preached my Lecture from those Words, Luk. 14.17, “Come, for all Things are now ready.”  An Excellent Discourse.  May God bless it for our greatest good!  Mr. Whitney waited upon Mrs. Martyn hither and they dined with us.  Mr. McAllister here with his Relation.  Shews me what was writ for his Wife’s, but I chose to see her, herself.  Much perplexed about Cattle and sheep breaking in upon my Rye Fields.  Am obliged to confine my sheep in the Barn and give ‘em Hay, great part of the Time.

April 26, 1770

1770 April 26 (Thursday).  Arabella Temple of about 8 Years old, dies of the Throat Distemper.  I am obliged to do something about gardening.  Sowing parsnips and Carrotts.  I hired Ebenezer Maynard to mend Fence.  Neighbour Newton returns from Brookfield with Letter from Breck that there were more planes than he wanted.

April 29, 1770

1770 April 29 (Sunday).  Mr. McAlister and his Wife here before meeting, that her Relation might be corrected etc.  They make divers Excuses that She was not here before.  Read Ezek. 15 and part of 16 to v. 19.  Preached on Cant. 5.10 but used a great deal of Sermon on Isa. 9.6, part of pages 134, 135, 139, 142, 143, 144.  Admitted Mr. McAlister and his Wife.  Administered the Lords Supper.  Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mr. Gleason, dined here.  P.M. Read Gal. 1.  Preached on Ps. 68.24, repeating my Sermon on that Text, but with additional Reflections.  N.B. Another of Mr. Thomas Temples Children is taken sick of Canker.