July 2, 1769

1769 July 2 (Sunday).  Read Lam. 1.  Preached on Luk. 14.18.  P.M. Read 1 Cor. 12.  Then on Occasion of the Young mens Meeting now reviv’d, went on with Repetition of Discourse on 2 Tim. 1.4,5.  After the public Exercises the You[ng] men above mentioned met at the Noon House (as it is called) to pray, read and Sing.  I think 10 of them.

July 3, 1769

1769 July 3 (Monday).  Rode to Marlborough principally to visit Brother Smith under his distressing Trouble by Pain and Faintness at his Stomach.  In my Way I called at Several Places — at Cornet Brighams, at Widow Beemans, at Mr. Jabez Rices, Cousen Larkin Williams who is very much demolished, I fear in all regards.  May God be merciful to him and his!  I dined at Mr. Smiths.  I am grieved for his Sufferings!  May God be gracious to him.  Visit Mrs. Dexter and Dr. Curtis who lodges there.  Visit at Squire Brighams, in pursuit of a good Horse.


[1769 July 4 through 1769 August 9: no diary.]