June 30, 1769

1769 June 30 (Friday).  Mr. Thomas Newton of Deerfield here to See me — after 29 Year.  A Number of young Men were here to join as a Society for religious Purposes.  Solomon Maynard (who was of the former Society) led the way.  And I having Instructed exhorted and prayed with them, the following persons Signed the Articles, viz. Benjamin Fay, junr., Jonathan Forbes, Levi Brigham, John Arnold, Ebenezer Maynard, junr., Josiah Newton, John Fay, Eli Harrington, Nathan Fay.  This, I have heard, was concerted and agreed upon, after meeting last Sabbath Day: and it was Seasonable after the Sermon p.m. of that Day.  I am much rejoiced at it, and wish they may have Grace to conduct proportionably.