June 1, 1769

1769 June 1 (Thursday).  Eleven Counsellors negativ’d by the Governor.  I repaired to the School House to attend the Convention.  As Dr. Cooper is desired to preach next Year, So Mr. Breck is chose his Second.  We go to meeting to the Old South as usual.  Mr. Dunbar preached on Gal. 1.8.9.  May God grant Success!  I dined at Mr. Mathers.  When the Convention met p.m. we found the Collection of Money to Day amounted to £ old Tenor.  While we were together News came that President Holyoke dyed this morning.  Mr. Thomas Barnard prayed at the Conclusion of the Meeting.  I visited Mrs. Holbrook, and Mr. Surcomb.  N.B. His only Sister lyes dead and is to be buryed tomorrow.  Lodged at Cousen Winters, and with me my Son Forbes.

June 2, 1769

1769 June 2 (Friday).  Variously engaged, chiefly in Visits among my Friends and Relations.  N.B. Cousen Briant comes to See me.  My Son Forbes has bought Brother Samuels Clock, and is putting it up, for Brookfield.  Took leave about noon and rode to Cambridge, to receive Cousen Thomas Barretts Answer concerning his taking my Son John.  It is Negative.  Went up to Bradshaw’s Chamber, and easily found him.  At Watertown paid Mr. Bemis, the Joyner, in full.  Arrived at Mr. William Browns in Framingham and lodged there.  N.B. My Son Alexander and his Wife were gone out.

June 3, 1769

1769 June 3 (Saturday).  Alexander and his Wife came there — and I had serious Talk with them.  I perswade them to go to Mr. Bridge.  They went; but He was not at Home.  I Called at Mr. Stones.  Arrived safely.  D.G.  Mrs. P_____ told me Mr. Cushing came the 30th at Night and dined here June 1.  P.M. the same Day he went away.  Mr. Foster of Berwick came.

June 4, 1769

1769 June 4 (Sunday).  Read Jer. 50 from v. 24.  Mr. Jacob Foster preached a.m. on 1 Sam. 2.30, latter part.  His uncle dined with us, as well as Master Rice.  P.M. Read 1 Cor. 8.  Mr. Foster preached on Act. 10.2.  N.B. Mr. Andrews and his wife, with his Brother and wife here, and Mr. Fosters uncle drink Tea here.  The latter lodges here.

June 5, 1769

1769 June 5 (Monday).  They take leave.  N.B. My Wife informs me that last week (viz. on the 30 ult.) Mr. Hall of Sutton dined here, that Mr. Cushing came at Night, that he brought a Letter from William informing that his wife was delivered of a son on the 27th of May; and both mother and Child are well.  Blessed be God!  That Mr. Cushing dined here June 1 and p.m. went away.  I visit poor Garfield, from whom one Testicle has been extracted by Dr. Ball.  He is more humble and penitent, and asks me to pray with him.  Which I complyed with.  And am greatly rejoiced at any Signs of his Penitence.  I have much Trouble in my mind for my Son John that he is not Apprenticed, but cannot tell where to put him.  John has his Finger jammed between the Stones in making Wall.

June 6, 1769

1769 June 6 (Tuesday).  Read London Magazine for January and Send it to Mr. Mein again, by Mr. Thomas Twitchell, of whom I bought a small fore quarter of Veal, weight 11 1/2.  This afternoon at 4 o’Clock is the Time for the Solemn Obsequies at Cambridge, the late Venerable President being to be interred.

June 7, 1769

1769 June 7 (Wednesday).  Mr. Hutchinson of Grafton dined with me and preached my Lecture.  His Text was Joh. 1.31.  May Grace be given that we may all profit by it!  Visit Mr. Garfield and pray with him again.  N.B. Mr. Hutchinsons and Mr. Tainters Altercations here at my House concerning one Mr. Samuel Ely, a prea[cher?] [torn]rs.  Master Rice and Mr. John Wood here at Tea also.  Mr. Phinehas Maynard invites me to raising his House tomorrow.

June 12, 1769

1769 June 12 (Monday).  Visit the Widow Adams who is ill.  Called to See Garfield who is better.  Called at Neighbour Andrews’s, and brought thence a piece of striped Cloth, wove by Mrs. Beeman.  Hear that my Son Ebenezers valuable Horse dyed Suddenly.  N.B. This morning, as Temple was plowing with my Mare, She was frighted Suddenly and ran away; passed through the adjoining Rye, threw down the Fence, passed over the Rails and went up the Road.  Temple was So hurt in his left Arm, that he broke off from Work, in the forenoon, and went to Mr. Parkers, and to Dr. Flynts to get his Elbow Set; and did not return till late at night.

June 13, 1769

1769 June 13 (Tuesday).  John is ill with stomach-Ach.  Temple is so lame that he cannot work.  Coll. Williams of Marlborough here.  Eben. Maynard jr. dined with us.  P.M. I visited Ensign Fay and his Family.  Besides the Death of her only Sister White at Boston, their Son Jeduthun was taken very ill in the Meeting House last Lords Day: but he is now in great Measure recovered.  I also visited Capt. B. Fay’s Wife, who being near her time has been confined from public Worship and in particular from Sacrament.  I went likewise to See poor Mr. Moses Brigham who is very bad with his Cough, etc.  Prayed with him as well as Spent Time with him in Discourse to quicken and forward him in his preparation.  He asks me to preach there at Some convenient time, Seeing he has been So long confined at home.  Called at Lieut. Bakers to desire him to Supply me with a good Horse etc. and he tells me he will endeavour it, as Soon as he can.  He offers to take my Mare now as Soon as I will, but then I must be without a Horse for our necessary Service.

June 15, 1769

1769 June 15 (Thursday).  Neither Temple nor John can work to Day.  My weeding is deferred.  John goes up to Grafton or Uxbridge to one Mr. Dun and brings from thence a foot-wheel, price 5£ O.T.  P.M. Had a Catechetical Exercise, on Qu. 91.92.  N.B. 27 Young Women.  This Number is more encouraging, and I hope we shall continue this Custom.  Mr. John Wesson of Wellington, Connecticut, here with Flax.  Buy 24 1/2 lb. at 5/ old Tenor.

June 16, 1769

1769 June 16 (Friday).  Mr. Elisha Davis of Leominster here, is in trouble about Paul Biglow, respecting a Note etc.  John not well, but goes to plough.  Temple is Still too lame to do any Thing in the Field, goes to Mill, etc.  Mrs. Hannah Snow here and is examined.  P.M. Mr. Moses Hemingway of Wells called to see me, with his Brother Jonathan.

June 18, 1769

1769 June 18 (Sunday).  Read Jer. 51, v. 24 to the End.  Preached a. and p.m. on Isa. 63.8.  Read p.m. 1 Cor. 10.  Mr. Fessendens mother, and Mrs. Maynard as well as Mr. Rice dine here.  N.B. Mr. Garfield, notwithstanding there were good Symptoms a While agoe, yet has grown worse, has bled much.  Mr. Jonathan Cook this morning fell into a Coal Pit; and though he got out again, yet not without being much burnt.

June 19, 1769

1769 June 19 (Monday).  Temple goes to work again.  John rides to Mr. Dun’s to carry back one foot Wheel, and bring us another and better.  Samuel Whipple comes to work, to put up the Weather boards to my Barn, brings his Brother Jonathan to work with him.  They have Temple to help the forenoon.  At Eve Samuel asks 33/ if it be paid this week.  Miss Kezia Adams from Medfield, here and dined with us.  P.M. she went to her Uncle Morse’s at Shrewsbury.  I visited and prayed with sick Garfield.  Went to Haskills to get a Chaise to go to Rochester.

June 21, 1769

1769 June 21 (Wednesday).  Breakfast with Master Rice at [torn] Andrews’, in my Way to Sudbury Association Fast.  Master goes with me, to Mr. Bridge’s, who prayed a.m. and Mr. Stone preached on Ezra 9.13.14.  P.M. I prayed (though Father Loring [torn] it zealously, yet) Mr. Goss on Mat. 6.33.  And now we have gone round the Association with Fasts.  May the Lord pardon, graciously accept and bless us!  Mr. Stone and I tarry and Lodge at Mr. Bridge’s.

June 22, 1769

1769 June 22 (Thursday).  In our returning from Sudbury we called at divers places.  I called to See my sister in Law, Baldwin.  Mr. Stone and I went in to Capt. Baldwins.  Mr. Smith being so ill that he could not attend the Ministers Meeting, we both went to see him, and din’d there.  I went to the Weaver Goldings and paid him for his dying to this Day.  Was at Mr. Solomon Newtons who discovered to me how to make the Newton Ointment.  Called at Lt. Brighams, Adonijah Rice’s, William Woods.

June 25, 1769

1769 June 25 (Sunday).  Read the last Chapter of Jeremiah.  Preached on Isa. 63.9.10-15, and thought to have made Additions to the Application of the Sermon on v. 8, but the strictures on these verses, engrossed me so wholly that I could not compass that Design, and yet preached too long.  I suppose above an Hour.  But it could not well be divided.  P.M. Read 1 Cor. 11 and (with many Alterations etc.) preached on 2 Tim. 1.[torn] to the End of p. 8.  And May God be pleased to bless my weak [at]tempts!  Mr. Rice dined with us.

June 26, 1769

[1769 June 26 (Monday).]  [W]ent to Capt. Maynard to purpose to know his Mind about [torn] Road northerly of the Meeting House.  Went also with his son [torn] to the place to see where the Stone Wall had best be placed.  [torn] Little Elias threw a stone yesterday at the Moscovy Drake, [torn] drive him off from a Goslin, and unhappily killed him.  [P.]M. Came Mr. Thaddeus Warrin to inform us that This Morning expired Miss Bridget Cushing!  [illegible] Cushing desires we would attend her Funeral on Wednesday.  Read Dr. C. Mather on the famous Mr. John Bailey of Watertown.  At Eve came Lt. Baker and Mr. Henry Prentice.  The latter comes about buying the Mare.

June 28, 1769

1769 June 28 (Wednesday).  Sarah rides with me in Lt. Bakers Chaise, to the Sorrowful Funeral of Miss Bridget Cushing.  We went to Breakfast at Capt. Allens, dined at Mrs. Cushings.  Mr. Stone, Morse, Maccarty, Mellen, Sumner and I were Pall-bearers.  Mr. Joshua Smith, Lewis Allen, Thaddeus Maccarty and James Curtis, were under bearers.  Coll. Ward ranged the people in Procession; which was very great, and mournfull.  She having been high in, I suppose, every ones esteem.  I was oblig’d [torn] to pray, before the Procession.  The Lord forgive what was amiss!  And grant us all to be ready also.  Mrs. Cushing prayed me to return without Sarah who was not very well, and She could be brought home in the Morning.  I complyed.

June 30, 1769

1769 June 30 (Friday).  Mr. Thomas Newton of Deerfield here to See me — after 29 Year.  A Number of young Men were here to join as a Society for religious Purposes.  Solomon Maynard (who was of the former Society) led the way.  And I having Instructed exhorted and prayed with them, the following persons Signed the Articles, viz. Benjamin Fay, junr., Jonathan Forbes, Levi Brigham, John Arnold, Ebenezer Maynard, junr., Josiah Newton, John Fay, Eli Harrington, Nathan Fay.  This, I have heard, was concerted and agreed upon, after meeting last Sabbath Day: and it was Seasonable after the Sermon p.m. of that Day.  I am much rejoiced at it, and wish they may have Grace to conduct proportionably.