February 1, 1769

1769 February 1 (Wednesday).  Squire Campbel from Oxford calls at the Door, and informs me that my Daughter Sarah is Sick there, of the Throat-Distemper.  Was taken last Friday, but is not now very bad.  P.M. Mr. Ebenezer Lilly of Dudley brings me two Letters from Mr. Bowman — one writ yesterday, the other to day, concerning Sarah and that ‘tis hoped she is better.  Thanks be to God for His great Goodness!  By this Mr. Lilly I send a Bundle, of shirts etc., to Samuel and a Letter to Mr. Holbrook, being very desirous to know how he does, and where he is.  But My News Papers are brought, and inform me that he dyed last Friday; and he was, I suppose, buryed yesterday.  May I make a good use of this providence and prepare to follow!  The Lord pity His bereaved Handmaid, Support, and carry her through these very sore Tryals.  When John returns at Eve, from School, he relates Some Sad Occurrences which may prevent his going to Mr. Jameson again.  Lt. Baker has Sent us poor Wood — Birch, pine, old rotten Maple and Ash; and now have but little of that, when a great Storm of Snow comes, and proves some what deep and difficult.

February 7, 1769

1769 February 7 (Tuesday).  Mr. Cushing came; dined here.  I preached at Deacon Bonds, where, though it was cold, there was a considerable Assembly; on 1 Joh. 1.3 from p. 25th to the End.  Lt. Baker provided a Young man to ride my Horse, and took me, for the better Security against the extreme Cold, into his Sleigh.  Mr. Cushing lodges with us.  Letter from Sarah at Oxford that She is Still better.

February 8, 1769

1769 February 8 (Wednesday).  Mr. Cushing takes my Mare and Sleigh (newly painted by Mr. Gale, and to day brought home by John) and goes to Oxford for Sarah, if She be well enough, and the Weather fit for her, to come.  I visited Mrs. Garfield and prayed with her.  At Eve Breck came from Ashby.  Am reading Kennicott’s two Dissertations on the Tree of Life and the Offerings of Cain and Abel; and soon dispatch it.

February 9, 1769

1769 February 9 (Thursday).  Alexander returns from Boston and Framingham.  Breck and John are applyed to their Writing, what time can be afforded from the unavoidable Business of the Barn, Wood, going to Mill etc.  My Mind is a good deal attentive to Sarahs Case; fearing it is too Cold for her to break forth at once from such sickness, and come so far.  But I committ the matter to God!  At Eve She comes, and I hope safely.  Praise to God her Healer and Helper!  Mr. Cushing lodges here.  We (with Gott Maynard) make 12 to night.

February 14, 1769

1769 February 14 (Tuesday).  Mr. Stone and Wife and Miss Judith, also Coll. Brighams Wife and her son Joshua, all came in a sleigh –Perswade Me to go with them.  I dine with them at Capt. Maynards.  Thence to Shrewsbury and to Capt. Curtiss’s at Worcester.  Mr. Maccarty there.  We return to Shrewsbury.  Mr. Stone, his wife and I lodge at Mr. Sumners.  The rest of the Company, I Suppose, at Mrs. Cushings.

February 15, 1769

1769 February 15 (Wednesday).  I was at Mr. Sumners at Breakfast, but we all dined at Mrs. Cushings.  We then rode to Northborough, and another Sleigh full of them (Mr. Sumner and Wife, Mrs. Cushing and Daughter and Grand Daughter) accompanyed us to Mrs. Martyns.  Mrs. Parkman was come over in my Sleigh to Meet me, and was gone over to Mr. Whitneys.  I went there also and drank Tea there.  N.B. Mr. Sumner and wife and Mrs. Cushing had designed this Day to have made me a Visit upon an Errand to Me from Mr. John Cushing, which now they delivered, both to me and my wife, as far as was needfull; relative to my Daughter Sarah.  We returned home at Eve, safely.  D.G.  N.B. Am informed that Mr. Green and Mrs. Cotton from Hopkinton came to our House yesterday, lodged here, and to Day carryed Miss Patty Clark home, and Breck and Sarah are gone to Hopkinton with them.

February 17, 1769

1769 February 17 (Friday).  Sarah has brought from Oxford the Vicar of Wakefield, in 2 Volumes, which are read here, and Noah Volume 2.  Breck goes to Dr. Crosby for Some Remedy against a breaking out that he is troubled with.  At Eve Mr. John Wood here, with his own and his Fathers Accounts.  His Kinsman Mr. James Mellen of Hopkinton came with a Petition for a Contribution, as a Sufferer by the late Burning of his House, Signed by Rev. Messrs. Barrett and Prentiss.

February 25, 1769

1769 February 25 (Saturday).  Mr. Hicks goes home to Sutton.  At Eve Deacon Woods brings me Mr. James Mellens Paper requesting a Contribution, the Deacons and Select Men having considered it, and advise that it be read.  There came in also a stranger who says his name is Richard Dunham, that he has been in Captivity ten Years etc.  Deacon Wood took him home with him.

February 26, 1769

1769 February 26 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Eph. 4.30, first Clause.  Richard Dunham desired to give Thanks in the Assembly.  I took him home to Dinner and invited to come here after Meeting.  P.M. though my forenoon discourse was (as to the preparation) longer than ordinary, yet I did not divide it, but was minded to finish that Subject in this one Exercise more.  Yet it took up such Time as I had (consistent with my other Employments) to compose my preparation in so that My Second Exercise was on Rom. 13.14, latter part.  Dunham was here with us at Evening.  Deacon Wood also came and brought with him Neighbour Zebulun Rice.  Dunham lodges again at Deacon Woods.  May God be gracious to the poor Man and grant him spiritual Deliverance!

February 27, 1769

1769 February 27 (Monday).  I visited Rebecca Hardy who is languishing — at the widow Adams’s.  Prayed with her.  Visit at Mr. Gale’s in his New House.  N.B. old Mr. Seth Morse there, very undesired Company in Such a Frame as he was in.  Visited at Mr. Andrews’s, where I was courteously received and decently treated  Ebenezer Maynard junior here.  I hire him to live with me Six Months from the first of April to the first of October.  He is to fill up the Week Days, and make allowance if he be not well and able to work.  He is also to find an Ax; I am to find other Tools — Diet, Washing, etc., and give him 10£ Lawfull money.