May 26, 1768

1768 May 26 (Thursday).  Attended the Convention again.  The Plan for a fund for the Relief of Ministers Widows and Orphans falls through.  A proposal of Venerable Dr. Sewals, that the Ministers should manifest their hearty adherance to the great Truths of the Gospel, and guard our Pulpits by Examining Candidates, was read, and urged by Several to be acted upon, or at least to be considered by this Convention, but when it was put to Vote, it passed in the negative; to my great Grief, and even astonishment.  Mr. Tucker preached on Col. 4.11.  Dined at Mr. Mathers.  After Dinner Mr. Loring led me to the House of Mr. Ebenezer Brown, an Housewright: where were gathered a Number of devout Women: Sixteen or Eighteen of them in a by-Chamber.  There we prayed, and I preached on Ps. 34.8.  It was a Season of Spiritual Endearment.  May my Soul be united to all them that truely fear the Lord as these persons Seem to do.  I went at Eve to Mr. Mays where lodges Westborough Representative and who has brought me from my wife 50£ who received it of Mr. Biglow the Constable.  I returned to the North End and lodged at Cousen Winters, where Suse Makes an home.