May 15, 1768

1768 May 15 (Sunday).  Read Jer. 19.  Carryed on the Subject from 1 Tim. 3.16, but read for my Text Joh. 1.14, former part.  P.M. Read Act. 80 and on Consideration that tomorrow is appointed to be Town-Meeting to choose a Representative, I preached on Exod. 18.21, using great Part of what I delivered formerly on Occasion of March-Meeting — but varied and with Additions concerning a Representative.  N.B. Capt. Jonas Brigham at noon desired me to baptize his Child, which was lately born.  I asked him whether he was in Charity with me.  He answered Yes.  I asked him twice, and he answered twice.  I thereupon consented to, and did it.  Hear that my Daughter Baldwin is at Dr. Balls; being poorly again.