December 24, 1767

1767 December 24 (Thursday).  Neighbour John Wood and Thomas Arnold came and killed an Hog for me — that which I bought December 2 last Year of Mr. John Brigham.  Rev. Mr. Putnam calls at the Door and gives me a Letter from Mr. Moore at Cambridge dated the 21 and 23 in which he informs me of a sad Riot at College one Night last week, by 3 Scholers and 4 young fellows from Boston etc. etc.  Tis matter of great Grief — May God grant ‘em Repentance and Forgiveness, through the great Redeemer!  Towards Eve I rode to Mr. Benjamin How who is building the Chimneys at the Work House, to get him to rebuild my sleigh.  Call at Dr. Hawes — where Mr. Stockwell is at Work as a shooe-Maker.  At Eve Mr. Wood is so kind as to come again and cut out my Pork.  It weighs but one pound short of 15 score.  Mr. Thomas Whitney brings from Samuel a Loaf of Sugar.  I suppose it comes from Capt. Bradford.  Weighs 8 1/2 lb.  Mr. Daniel Forbes here and wants to talk with me — but I find that the Chief is to bear a message to me, which was, “to know whether a Number of Brethren (such as the Brighams, Capt. Fay, Gale etc.) might not come here next Monday night to see whether something can’t be done about those Churches down yonder that don’t do their Duty to Mr. Cleavelands Church.”  Thus infatuated are my dear Brethren about this affair!  And seem as earnest, after all the Tryals we have made so fruitless and vain, yet to go on as if we were now but newly begun.  I told him they might come, but it might be better to think of a Council.