December 20, 1767

1767 December 20 (Sunday).  Preached at Southborough on Ps. 1.6 a. and p.m.  Mr. Stone here a. and p.m. on Mat. 23.37.  We both returned to our respective homes at Eve, though it was very Cold, and I feared I Should even suffer the sad Effects of the Frost before I could reach my House.  May God be praised for His great Goodness in Supporting Me!  And O that the divine Blessing may accompany each of our Labours this Day, to His Glory and the highest Good of the Souls of Men.  N.B. saw at Mr. Stones Mr. Jos. Emmersons Account of his late excellent Father,[1] of Malden, and can’t but esteem it highly, So far as I could read of it.

[1] Joseph Emerson (1724-1775), An Extract from a Late Sermon om the Death of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Emerson… (Boston, 1767).  EVANS 10,608.