December 16, 1767

1767 December 16 (Wednesday).  Mr. Moore with us still.  Mr. Cushing came from Shrewsbury (where he keeps school) in order to his attending upon the Church Meeting.  They both dine with us.  The Church met according to Appointment.  After Prayer the Petition for the Meeting being read — and the Report of the Committee — the voting of which and the previous vote of the Church to appoint that Committee being debated upon, it was objected by Mr. Cushing and Squire Whipple, that inasmuch as that Vote (of the Report) contained a Grant to Mrs. A. it could not be re-considered without her Consent, or except there was proof that she refused to accept of it.  This last was made Clear.  I was my self a Witness of it, and several others (Deacon Bond I think was one) said the like.  After it was long talked upon, and repeated urging that it might be put to Vote, and that both those votes referred to Should be reconsidered and disannulled; when it was also promised that the Church should have the Copys of both of them returned to the Church — it was tryed and it passed unanimously (I believe, universally) in the Affirmative.  After which I very Seriously addressed the Church, to the following Purpose, viz. That notwithstanding I had endeavoured to conduct in Integrity and Uprightness among them yet I had good Reason to fear I have been grossly Mis-represented in divers Neighbouring Towns, I now did desire that if any of them had any Exception, or any Complaint to make as if I had been unfaithfull, or had Mis-represented Things at any Time to them, in my conducting these Affairs which we had been upon, or in whatsoever matter relative thereto, I now desired, and did Challenge, any one upon it, that it might be made known, that if it could be made to appear, I might suitably humble my self and make satisfaction for it, and was ready to do it?  Or if it was otherwise, I might be properly Vindicated; and that they might be, as requisite, the Guardians of my Character.  To this No Reply was made; although the Demand was repeated; Except what Capt. Jonas Brigham observed, viz. that he thought my signing with others against the 2d Church and Minister in Sutton, was not, he thought, according to Platform.  To which I answered immediately that my so subscribing was to Advice which was given in Defence of the Platform against a New Form of Discipline, where they had there set up; but which they had since, themselves, renounced; and had submitted to the Cambridge Platform.  We then prayed, and the meeting concluded with the Blessing.  After the Blessing, Mr. Daniel Forbes, intimated that he should be glad of Liberty, upon proper Opportunity for it, to have some Private Conversation with me, with some others, which I freely consented to.  Thus this Meeting went over.  Mr. Cushing came home with me; but returned this Eve to Shrewsbury.  Richard Temple worked for me in swingling Flax.  John assisted in Breaking.  Mr. Moore lodges here.