August 9, 1767

1767 August 9 (Sunday).  Had a doleful Night, by Reason of my dear Brothers low state.  But I was better in the Morning.  I last Friday agreed with Mr. John Lathrop, Candidate, to change with him this Forenoon, and accordingly I preached a.m. at the Old North where Mr. L. supplys for Mr. Checkley, who is very ill.  My Text was Joh. 17.4.  Mr. L. preaches for me, at Mr. Coopers.  I dined at Mr. Coopers; Who, with his wife were on their Tour, for his Health.  Mr. Gabriel Johnnot and wife dined there also.  Preached for Mr. Cooper p.m. from Rom. 6.13.  Return again to the House of Troubles.  Brother is weaker every Day.  Mrs. [Boyse?] watches —