August 7, 1767

1767 August 7 (Friday).  Mr. Teal complains bitterly of my Horse’s breachiness — send Bradshaw to take him away, and with my Consent, he rides to his uncle’s at Mistick to keep him there.  Mr. Moses Harrington brings me a Letter from Mr. Moore at Westborough to desire me to Supply his Place at Mr. Coopers at Boston — so that we are of a Mind.  Dined at Mr. Mathers.  P.M. visit Mr. Walley.  Buy Several Books of him, viz. Dr. Moore’s divine Dialogues: Reyners Precepts, and Government of the Tongue: and Capel of Temptations.  Mr. Walley accompanys me in a Visit to Dr. Byles.  Lodge at Brother Samuels.