August 4, 1767

1767 August 4 (Tuesday).  Mrs. Martyn and her Daughter Suse visit and dine with us.  P.M. Mr. Fish preaches at Mr. Zebulun Rice’s on Isa. 65.1, “I said Behold me, Behold me” etc.  Mr. Moore attended with me, but Mrs. Martyn etc. did not — nor Mrs. P________ but Sophy did.  After meeting I rode (upon Neighbour Joseph Bonds young Mare) to Coll. Buckminsters at Framingham and lodged there.

August 5, 1767

1767 August 5 (Wednesday).  Pursue my Journey — to Roxbury and dine at Mr. Adams’s — to Boston.  My dear Brother Samuel is confined to his Chamber and mostly to his Bed — blistered and polticed — has a Nervous Fever and is (we conceive) delirious — at least in some Measure so.  Shews great Distress, of Mind and Body.  I lodged, and Mr. Loyd took Care of my Horse.

August 6, 1767

1767 August 6 (Thursday).  Mr. Aaron Teal, a Milk Man, takes my Mare to pasture in upper part of Charlestown.  I attended the public Lecture.  Mr. Blair preached (and very agreeably) on Rom. 7.13, last Clause.  Dined with Dr. Sewal: where were Messrs. Quincy, Morehead, Walley, and Blair.  Returned to my Brother who is much distressed.  I have concluded to tarry over the Sabbath, and write home to have Mr. Moore Supply my Pulpit.  Lodged at Brother Williams.

August 7, 1767

1767 August 7 (Friday).  Mr. Teal complains bitterly of my Horse’s breachiness — send Bradshaw to take him away, and with my Consent, he rides to his uncle’s at Mistick to keep him there.  Mr. Moses Harrington brings me a Letter from Mr. Moore at Westborough to desire me to Supply his Place at Mr. Coopers at Boston — so that we are of a Mind.  Dined at Mr. Mathers.  P.M. visit Mr. Walley.  Buy Several Books of him, viz. Dr. Moore’s divine Dialogues: Reyners Precepts, and Government of the Tongue: and Capel of Temptations.  Mr. Walley accompanys me in a Visit to Dr. Byles.  Lodge at Brother Samuels.

August 8, 1767

1767 August 8 (Saturday).  Mr. Whiting watched with my Brother last night.  He goes with me to Mr. Jackson’s (Thomas) Spring — where I drink of the Mineral Waters.  My Brother grows Worse — his Mind is in Terrible Tumult — he is in wofull Despair — says his Terror is too great to be expressed.  I dined at Mr. Quincys.  His son, Dr. Jacob Quincy there.  Continue to lodge at Brother Samuels for I can’t leave my Brother of [sic] his Chil’en in So great Distress.  We pour out our Prayers and Crys to God, the God of infinite Mercy.

August 9, 1767

1767 August 9 (Sunday).  Had a doleful Night, by Reason of my dear Brothers low state.  But I was better in the Morning.  I last Friday agreed with Mr. John Lathrop, Candidate, to change with him this Forenoon, and accordingly I preached a.m. at the Old North where Mr. L. supplys for Mr. Checkley, who is very ill.  My Text was Joh. 17.4.  Mr. L. preaches for me, at Mr. Coopers.  I dined at Mr. Coopers; Who, with his wife were on their Tour, for his Health.  Mr. Gabriel Johnnot and wife dined there also.  Preached for Mr. Cooper p.m. from Rom. 6.13.  Return again to the House of Troubles.  Brother is weaker every Day.  Mrs. [Boyse?] watches —

August 19, 1767

1767 August 10 (Monday).  and at two o’Clock in the Morning wakes me to go in and See my Brother for She apprehends he is dying.  I went in — found his Breath laboured very hard, but did not Conceive he was then in such a State, after praying with him (which was at his Motion) I return’d to my Bed again.  However it was not two Hours before she called me again, for he was verily departing.  I hastened in.  He was choaked with Phlegm, and breathed no more.  It was at 3 quarters after 3 o’Clock that my dear Brother and cordial Friend gave up the Ghost.  May the God of infinite Mercy Pity us, and sanctify His holy Hand to us!  O that we might be indeed prepared for this important Hour!  That we might be able to Say, after the Example of our dear Lord, “I have glorifyed Thee on the Earth, and finished the Work thou gavest me to do.”  May we now “yield ourselves to God as those that are alive from the Dead.”  And may we ever walk accordingly!  I walked to Mr. Walleys — he was going to Mr. Moreheads Exercise after the sacrament.  I went with him to Meeting.  Mr. Pemberton preached on Rom. 1.16.  Dined at Mr. Moreheads with Messrs. Pemberton, Wheelock, Walley, Blair, and Lathrop.  P.M. Visit Mr. Bowen; where was his Brother Benjamin and well composed.  Visit Mr. Surcomb, who is ill.  I lodge as usual.

August 12, 1767

1767 August 12 (Wednesday).  At the Spring again.  Bought two bibles at Mr. Mien’s.  Dined at Mr. Holbrooks.  Attended the Funeral of my dear Brother and may we all be properly impressed with it!  O that I may, in special.  The Bearers were, Mr. Maycock, Deacon Grant, Mr. John Kneeland, Mr. [Blank], Mr. Jos. Bradford and Deacon Barrett.  Gave Mr. Freeman £5.10 for black [leather?] Breeches.

August 17, 1767

1767 August 17 (Monday).  A.M. Visited and prayed with old Capt. Forbes.  Was at Abraham Bonds, and Richard Barns’s.  N.B. Mr. Gershom Fay makes me a visit and dines here.  P.M. goes with me to visit Mr. Kendal who languishes.  Mr. Fays Errand Seems to be this, to pray that the Ministers at their Meeting tomorrow would not advise Northborough People to hear any other Candidate than Mr. Whitney — for he says they like him so well that they are afraid to hear anybody else lest they Should be divided.  Mr. Cushing at Eve — supps and lodged here.

August 18, 1767

1767 August 18 (Tuesday).  Mr. Cushing goes with me to Marlborough to Ministers Meeting.  Messrs. Loring, Stone, Goss, Wheeler and Bridge of Sudbury.  Candidates Whitney, Parker, Caleb and Jacob Rice besides Cushing.  Had Difficulty about advising Northborough people.  Mr. Stone and Smith for advising them to hear further.  I was not.  There was also Difficulty in Examining Mr. Cushing because of Mr. Lorings extreme hurry to go home — and he left us — so did Mr. Goss and Wheeler.  We therefore who remained, approbated him.  I returned at Eve and found Samuel here.  He came on Mr. Moore’s Horse.  Here was also Mr. Josiah Dana preacher at New Rutland; and Polly Forbes — and lodge.  Hear that sister Breck is Dead.

August 19, 1767

1767 August 19 (Wednesday).  Samuel waits on his Mother to Mrs. Martyns.  Mr. Dana and Polly to Boston.  Temple and John with 10 Cattle plow in the further Field.  Nathan Kenny and Josiah Newton help ‘em.  Am Reading Dr. Doddridge’s Life by Mr. Orton.  When Mrs. P. returns at Eve, she brings me a sorrowful Letter from Brother Breck of the Death of his Wife last Wednesday, and that She was buryed on Friday.  His Letter was Dated on the 17th.  May the Lord Shew Pity, Sanctifie this Breach and support him under it!  Mr. Cushing returns here and lodges.

August 20, 1767

1767 August 20 (Thursday).  Mr. Cushing with us, and Sir Manning from Cambridge, at Breakfast.  Catechized Children at the Meeting House as usual.  49 a.m.  22 p.m.  May God accept and bless my weak Endeavours among them!  Mr. Cushing left us towards night.  I am Earnestly desirous of the Eternal Good of those I have under my Care.  This young Gentleman now designs soon to preach.  May god Sanctifie him and make him a Vessel of Honour fit for the Masters Use!

August 21, 1767

1767 August 21 (Friday).  Finished reading Mr. Orton’s Life of that eminent Man Dr. Doddridge.  I pray it may be to my not only Instruction, but to my great Quickening.  I bless God for Such bright Examples: but am utterly ashamed to think how far I am behind: how sorrowfully negligent I have been, and how little good I have done.  The Lord forgive me!  And O that I might have the Special Benefits of the Blood of Atonement, and of the Intercession of Jesus Christ!  May I be greatly excited to copy Such excellent models!  And especially be Strenuous to promote the Glory of God and the Eternal Salvation of the Souls of men!  Omitted that Samuel yesterday p.m. put Mr. Moore’s Horse to Mr. Jonathan Grout to keep.  Temple and John, with 10 oxen a.m., with 12 Oxen p.m., plow in the further Field.  Nathan Kenny and Nathan Maynard help ‘em, and Jacob Foster is added p.m.  My son Samuel is transcribing Some Rules etc. from D. Doddridge’s Life.

August 24, 1767

1767 August 24 (Monday).  Samuel in a Chaise that Mr. Dana left here, accompanys Susanna to Shrewsbury, that thence She may go with the Said Mr. Dana to Brookfield.  Samuel returns here, and on Mr. Moore’s Horse sets out for Boston.  Mr. William Pierce here, about his old Debt to my Son Thomas.  Mr. Joshua Bowen of Roxbury here, going to Springfield.  Wrote by him to Brother Breck on Occasion of his Wife’s Death.  P.M. I visit Granny Maynard who is confined to her Bed by a terrible sore on the back of her Head and Neck.  Prayed with her.  As I went, called at Squire Whipple’s, he having lately been at Ipswich.  I visited also Elizabeth Warrin, sick of a Fever, at her mothers in the District.  Prayed with her, and drank Tea there.

August 25, 1767

1767 August 25 (Tuesday).  Mr. Nathan Maynard here, and pays me 44£ old Tenor, £23 of which was Cash, the rest in Notes.  At Noon Temple Supposes his Time to be out.  I payd 32£ old Tenor in Cash, and 23£ Note of Hand on Demand, with Interest till paid.  P.M. visit old Capt. Forbes and pray with him.  Call at Dr. Hawes.  N.B. Mrs. Maynard came and dined here: and Mrs. P________ went with her to Visit at Mrs. Bakers and Mrs. Newtons.

August 26, 1767

1767 August 26 (Wednesday).  I was but poorly both yesterday and to Day.  Am put in mind how frail I am.  The Lord grant me His Special Grace!  Mr. Roger Bruce here from Brookfield.  Acquaints me with the sad divided state of my son Forbes’s Parish.  At least 10 male members absent from the last Communion.  Temple came in the middle of the Forenoon from his Brother Thomas’s: and he goes to work again.  Old Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Dolly Rice, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Fessenden (whose relation I alter and write over), Misses Hephzibah Maynard, Betsy, Nanny and Suse Brigham and Miss Polly Baker, here, and drink Tea (except for Mrs. Johnson).  Temple lodges here still.

August 27, 1767

1767 August 27 (Thursday).  Send John early to Mr. Tainters for a Barrell of Cyder, which he Sends me Word he will give me if I will fetch it.  John has my Oxen and Neighbour Nurse’s Waggon.  Brings it and a Bag of Apples and Cucumbers.  Enoch Rice works here for Lt. Baker.  P.M. they draw Stones for Wall.  Towards Evening I visit old Mrs. Byles and pray with her.  In my Way met with Mr. Robert Baker of Marlborough, who complains of Capt. Jonathan Goodenow’s Conduct, and especially of some thing very lately done, which he is to answer for at Concord Court.  My Wife transcribed her Testimony concerning Mrs. Rebecca Warrins consent to the Minutes I took of what She witnessed concerning Mrs. Andrews.

August 28, 1767

1767 August 28 (Friday).  Lt. John Martyn here to desire me to assist in prizing his late Fathers Books next Tuesday a.m. with Mr. Harrington of Lancaster.  Wrote to Mr. Sumner to come and preach for me next Wednesday.  Temple works part of the Forenoon, and grows ill.  Leaves the work and goes from the Field to Mr. Nurse’s.  Middle of p.m. comes home.  Resolves to take his pack and go to his Fathers.  I paid him to his Satisfaction for these two Days, and we bid adieu.

August 30, 1767

1767 August 30 (Sunday).  Had designed to preach p.m. on Deacons, and had told Deacon Wood so; but by Reason of visiting the aged and Sick, Company and Indisposition I could not prepare.  And a.m. acquainted Deacon W. of it, that is that I could not be prepared.  Read Isa. 66.  Gave larger Account of it than ordinary.  Preached on 1 Cor. 15.57.  Read also v. 54.  P.M. read Act. 10 with Remarks.  Preached on Rom. 1.6, using Sermon on Rom. [8?].28 from p. 5 to 12.  Mrs. Fessenden admitted before the Congregation.