February 2, 1767

1767 February 2 (Monday).  Mr. Cushing to his School.  Mr. Moore stays to Dinner.  I manifested Freedom and affectionate Faithfulness with respect to preaching the Spiritual and profitable manner of handling subjects etc.  Lent him Mr. Jennings on Preaching, and lent him also Mr. William Dunlop’s Preface to the Assemblys Catechism.  P.M. he left us to go to wait on Miss Molly Baker.  I visited old Capt. Forbush and Lieutenant Thomas Forb.  At Eve came Mrs. Cotton and Miss Patty Clark.  Joseph Joslin waits upon them.  Presently after came my Son Baldwin with his sister Parkman, and Mr. Fitch with them.  The latter, with their Horses, goes to Capt. Woods to lodge — and Joslin lodges otherwhere.  The rest here.

February 4, 1767

1767 February 4 (Wednesday).  Mr. Tainter with five Teams and a Number of Cutters, sleds 20 Load of Wood from Mr. Bradish’s.  I am reading Lediards Life of the Duke of Marlborough:  2 large volumes in Octavo.[1]  Mr. Nathan Maynard here to pay me money — I received 27£ old Tenor.

[1]Thomas Leidard, The life of John, duke of Marlborough, prince of the Roman Empire (3 v.; London : Printed for J. Wilcox, 1736).

February 5, 1767

1767 February 5 (Thursday).  Am Skimming over the Accounts of the Kings of England Since the Conquest.  Dr. Throop towards Eve.  He tarrys with us.  Deacon Tainter brings sad News of a Fire in Boston the night before last, which broke out at a Bakers nigh the Mill Bridge and ran down each side the Mill Stream:  So that the wind being [NW?] my Brother Samuels Interest has doubtless suffered.

February 12, 1767

1767 February 12 (Thursday).  Mr. Josiah Drury of Grafton comes to desire me to go to Mr. John Prentice’s, to attend the Funeral of his Child, a new-born Infant.  The Reason of sending here was, Mr. Hutchinson was obliged to attend another Funeral to Day, viz. of Mr. Eleazer Flag junior.  And seeing my Horse was gone (to Medfield) Mr. Drury went and borrowed an Horse (Mr. Silas Hill brought me his) and p.m. I went.  In returning called at Major Willards and at Cousen Winchesters, She being in deep sorrows by the Death of her Daughter Mary, and her self also sick of a Fever.  Prayed with her.  When I came home, found that Persis Fay was come to live with us, and I made her Welcome.  All of us endeavor to make it agreeable to her.

February 13, 1767

1767 February 13 (Friday).  Although it is cold and Slippery, all four of the Children are fond of going to School from Day to Day.  At Eve Deacon Tainter brings his Daughter Baker and her Daughter [Persis?].  Asks my Judgment about Mr. Mellens Book, there being great diversity of Opinion about it.  But did [not] give my Sentiments for I had not read it.  Billy and his Wife came from Medfield.

February 17, 1767

1767 February 17 (Tuesday).  Though Cold, Billy and his Wife sat out for Townshend.  They ride Single.  John is gone before them to bring back my Mare.  After they went away, we regretted that we suffered them to set out in so Smart Weather.  Sam. Brigham comes from Capt. Maynards to take Care of my Cattle while John is gone.  P.M. Mr. Mellen and Wife, and Mr. [blank] Richardson and wife call here in going to Hopkinton.  I wrote to Mr. Toppan of Manchester, in Reply to his which I received Yesterday.

February 18, 1767

1767 February 18 (Wednesday).  Walked up to Capt. Wood’s to get Samuel Hardy junior to come to work for me in getting out Flax.  N.B. He, his Wife and 3 Children were lately brought into Town by the Select men of Marlborough.  Mr. Daniel Forbes dines here and pays me 60£ old Tenor.  P.M. Visit Mrs. Bradish and pray with her.  Call to see Lt. Forbush.  At Home find Mr. Samuel Fay and his wife, also Mr. Cushing who supps with us; and lodges here.

February 20, 1767

1767 February 20 (Friday).  Jonas Kenny brought home my Oxen unexpectedly, but the Roads are so very Slippery that they can’t work.  Send a Load of Ashes to Capt. Wood.  P.M. One of Mr. Phinehas Hardys sons came to request me to go up to his Brother Noahs Wife (Rachel), who is at their House; She fearing she is near her End.  I broke off from my Studys (though I was exceeding busy, and to my great Obstruction), went to her, talked with her, examined her — prayed with her, and old Mrs. Byles present, who is this Month 93 years old.

February 22, 1767

1767 February 22 (Sunday).  Read Isa. 48 and some expository Observations formed the forenoon Exercise, there being many Things well worthy our Attention.  Mr. Cushing dined with us — p.m. read Joh. 13 from v. 20 to the End.  Preached on Rom. 1.20.  After Introduction, and Connecting this Discourse with such as have been lately delivered on the Great subject of Believing in God, I used some part of what was formerly delivered on this Text, and then some part of a Catechetical Exercise.  At Eve read in Mr. Bolton.  O that my Soul might have deep and lively Impressions!

February 23, 1767

1767 February 23 (Monday).  A.M. visit and pray with poor Mrs. Bradish.  P.M. Visit at Mr. [Thomas?] Whitneys – then Mr. Artemas Bruce’s Wife, newly lain in, and very low — prayed with her.  Was at Mr. Ezekiel Smiths.  Called at Mr. Nurse’s; and find that in Truth there is to be a meeting there; yet they none of them have spoke a word to me of it.  When I Enquired how it was that they did not consult me, that we might agree in it?  They answered that Mr. Hutchinson was to take the Care of it.  When I saw their Simplicity, I thought it was better to overlook the undesigned Neglect than to make any more words about it, with them.  But when Mr. Hutchinson came, I told him this was not a prudent Method, and if it Should be known among People, it might do disservice, whilst we pretended to walk orderly.  As my Letter of last Saturday, was not Sent to him, but I had got it again, at his urgent Request I gave it him– and by word of mouth mentioned my Remarks upon his Letter, especially his Saying, “I am no Cleaveland.”  I tarried the Exercise, and prayed before Sermon, or rather Exposition — which was on Josh. 3.  They sung three Times.  Finished at half after Eight.  They obliged me to Stay and drink Tea.  It was late when I got home.

February 25, 1767

1767 February 25 (Wednesday).  Visit Old Mr. Seth Morse and his Wife at their son Barachias’s.  Was also at Deacon Forbes’s — at Mr. Thomas Bonds, who gives me a Barrell of Cyder (which he values at 45/).  Called at old Mr. Warrins where I bought 17 lbs. and 1/2 of Tallow at 3/.  N.B. Mr. Timothy Warrin rides home with me.  He finds fault with Mr. Frosts Book lately published, in several respects.

February 26, 1767

1767 February 26 (Thursday).  Took Cold last night — but p.m. Visit and pray with Mrs. Bradish.  And would fain have gone to Mr. Andrews — but my Indisposition and the uncomfortable high Winds prevented.  In returning at Evening overtook Mr. Bunker Gay of Hensdell — took him in, but he would not tarry.  Mr. Thomas Whitney returns from Boston and brought up a Crate of 3 Dozen of Bottles — (but one broke).  Gave him 10/ old Tenor.  Mr. Daniel Nurse is with him and one Kennedy, who presents me a Compass Seal for my Watch.  Capt. Wood visits me.