December 14, 1766

1766 December 14 (Sunday).  By Reason of Mr. Fessendens complying, in Words, with my Desire that he would preach for me to Day, I did not finish the sermon I was composing, but depended upon him.  I looked for him till I was obliged to put myself into some Capacity to preach my self.  He came not — neither sent me any Message.  I went to the Meeting House.  I prayed — omitted Reading — I was obliged to repeat Sermon on Eccl. 8.13.  At noon heard Mr. F. was sick.  Mr. Cushing dined here.  No word from Mr. F.  I preached p.m. repeating sermon on Luk. 13.25 and read to v. 24.  In the Evening read Mr. Bolton in my Family.